“Oh, you’re going to die.” I looked down at Marco and shrugged. Vicky choked on a sob, whatever she yelled muffled by Cobra’s hand.

“Don’t be so dramatic, Vicky. You are, too.”

“It’s your show, baby. Tell us how you want this handled.” Romero put his arm around me, waiting for me to speak up. All of them stared expectantly, even Arlen.

“Look,” Romero turned our bodies inwards, placing us chest to chest, “there’s no wrong way to kill someone. Relax and let that crazy fucking head of yours do all the work.”

“You’re right, of course.” Nodding, I inhaled, and then exhaled on a light bulb moment.

“How often does David check in with them?”

“Once at noon the other delegates arrive at four to do a shift change.” Cobra answered, tugging on Veronica’s hair.

“Okay, well, we should probably try and get one of them to talk. And, um, I need a needle and thread, please.”

None of them so much as asked what the hell I was planning to do. With the exception of Romero, they all took off in different directions.

“How do you want to make them talk?”

“I thought one of you would work one while I worked the other.”

“See, just let your mind do the work for you. You’re a natural.” He kissed my temple and stood protectively by my side. I looked around the open cabin as Veronica and Marco were gagged and bound in the center of the room, facing one another in large distressed dining chairs.

It was simple and quaint, nothing real special about it. Everything was rustic.

“Got the bags,” Bryce announced, walking back inside with the two large duffels.

“Got your needle and thread,” Arlen called from the bathroom in a back corner, lifting a sewing kit in the air when she walked out.

“Thank you.” I took it from her and moved to where Veronica sat. Romero moved with me like a silent shadow.

Grimm and Bryce moved to separate windows to keep watch.

“Okay, I’ll bite. What are you doing?” Cobra asked, leaning down with his hands on his knees.

“I figured I could start with this. The message that was left in Woeford gave me an idea.” I flipped open the sewing kit and looked at my color choices. Veronica was a blonde with brown eyes. I held a spool of dark pink up next to her face. “Mm-uh.” I shook my head and grabbed purple next, swiping one of her tears away with it.

“What do you guys think?” I asked the room, but looked to Romero.

“If you like it, I like it.” He ran a hand through my hair and gave me a little more space.

“Well?” I glimpsed around at the others.

“I think we’re gonna go with what Romero said,” Bryce finally answered.

“Y’all are so typically male,” Arlen huffed. “It looks good, Cali.”

Giving her a thankful smile, I got busy threading my needle, carefully selecting which one I wanted to use.

“What’s typically male?” Grimm asked her.

“That’s like her asking Romero how she looks in a dress and he gives that answer; typically male. Never wanting to be offensive,” she sighed.

It was dead silent for all of two seconds before they all laughed.

“Are you fucking serious? We’re probably the most offensive men you’ll ever meet.”

“If Cali ever asked me how she looked in a dress, I’d tell her it didn’t matter because it would be around her waist soon enough.”