course, he bought it. He was the one who taught her how to use herself to take advantage of men and women.

With her sinful blue eyes, white-blonde hair, and snow-white skin, she looked like a sweet, innocent porcelain doll. No one who saw her would ever suspect that she was a crazy fucking bitch who loved the feel of blood on her hands.

“What do you want?” I stopped a few feet away from him, not so subtly watching the way his Adam's apple bobbed. It was times like these I wondered how David had risen to the top of The Order. I knew it was passed down to him from his father but the man was a gaping pussy. Giving him the metaphorical keys to the castle was a dumb as shit move.

“I just wanted to ensure everything was coming along for this weekend.”

“I’ve been working at this for day and night. You don’t think I’d be well and fucking prepared?”

He sighed again, nervously smoothing his palms down his robe. I was going to burn him in the motherfucker.

“Was that all?”

“I guess so. I’ll see you in the morning.” He turned and did one last slow sweep of the room, freezing when his gaze landed on Cobra.

“Tell me again why he’s still alive?” he hissed back at me.

Knowing David was talking about him had Cobra looking up with a giant grin on his face, purposely antagonizing the situation.

“You had one simple task, and that was bringing Calista back to me. Please share what you find so amusing about your screw up,” David snapped at him.

I forced my jaw to remain slack when I felt it beginning to clench. I had a primal urge to constantly claim Cali like the Savage I was, and this stupid motherfucker actually believed I was going to hand her over to him.

I couldn’t do shit about it though, not yet. In due time, he would get what was coming to him. I was going to bestow upon him my own version of karma.

Cobra cleared his throat and let out a loose chuckle. “Dave. Can I call you Dave? I think we got off on the wrong foot. I’ll say sorry for fucking up the delivery of your daughter if you tell me why you want her back after she’s been gone so long.”

David looked at the three of us and scoffed. “Why wouldn’t I want her back? I was devastated when she went missing.”

His head snapped to Grimm, who laughed loudly and didn’t bother covering it up.

“We both know that’s not true, David.” He removed his boots from the nun’s back and roughly kicked her away from him. She whimpered and crawled to a run, taking off out of the room with the smell of urine chasing after her.

David had a deep hatred for Grimm.

I didn’t bother trying to understand it because any reasoning behind it would be bullshit. David’s beef was with our father, over a woman of all fucking things.

His hatred didn’t extend to me, though; it never had. Fucking ironic, considering my people killed his for sport.

He and Grimm eyed one another, years of barely restrained hostility thickening the tension that hung in the air.

Cobra cleared his throat to break up their silent duel. “She’s like one of those vintage editions of a Mattel Barbie: perfect and priceless when you’re looking in from the outside of the box, but then you naively open it up and out comes this psychotic blonde in high heels equipped with a meat-cleaver.”

I laughed quietly under my breath. He was definitely high, fucking idiot.

“Did you sleep with her?” David asked. A vein throbbed in his forehead, giving away how pissed he was in spite of how calm he sounded.

Cobra turned his entire body in his chair so he was facing me with an ornery grin.

“Nah, I wanted to. Who wouldn’t? I bet she’s wild in bed. Romero said she wasn’t allowed to be touched.”

David looked directly at me for elaboration, but I refused to give him any.

“I’ll deal with him on my own terms. Now if you don’t need anything…” I left the sentence hanging.

He gave a slight nod of his head and left the room without another word.

“Send someone to collect this body,” I called after him, kicking the door shut with my boot.