She glanced at Diego. He was looking at her. It was just as difficult to read the expression on his face as it was Rubin’s. He had also pushed his sunglasses over his eyes. She felt his regret, but she also felt a subtle flow of power drifting from him. It was so subtle that had she not been close to him, she would never have caught it. It was a steady stream that spread out and encompassed everyone in the boat.

She took a quick look around. All these men and women had psychic abilities. They were all enhanced, and each one of them had alarm systems built in. They’d been around Diego far longer than she had. Rubin didn’t appear to notice either, and he was closer to Diego than anyone. What exactly was Diego doing? That steady stream ensured that everyone continued to need to protect Rubin, and somehow, now, she was included in that.

What are you doing? she demanded. Stop it, Diego. If your brother ever finds out what you’re doing, he will kill you. I might kill you.

Diego couldn’t quite conceal the shock flaring in his mind. At once, Rubin’s dark gaze flicked from his brother to Jonquille and then back to his brother again. That was dangerous. Rubin had capabilities of replaying images and memories just as she did.

What’s the plan when we reach the island? she asked Ezekiel, mostly to distract Rubin.

The plan is to protect all of you working on the men there. Once you get that done, we’re going to pay Chandler a visit and get the pilot back, hopefully in one piece. Ezekiel’s voice was grim.

There was a note in his tone that suddenly warned her. She tightened her fingers in Rubin’s. The other soldiers he enhanced? The newer ones he’s surrounded himself with? They might fight you.

Those men are soldiers in the service of the United States, not Chandler. They are only on loan to Chandler. He enhanced them without the consent of the government and for his own private use, even if they did agree to it. They are accepting private pay over the pay of their government. If they are running operations for Chandler outside their government orders, they will answer for that.

Jonquille leaned closer to Rubin. Again, that note in Ezekiel’s voice told her that GhostWalkers answered very differently for their crimes than other soldiers. Being on her own had been difficult, but she made up her own rules. She didn’t have to worry that if she made a misstep she would be hunted by grim-faced men who were elite trackers. She glanced at Gino Mazza. He was definitely someone she didn’t want coming after her, any more than she would want Rubin or Diego tracking her. They would never stop. Never.

Her heart accelerated in spite of her effort to keep it under control. These men were predators and every one of them heard. Rubin shifted just slightly to angle his body protectively to cover hers. To her shock, Diego did the same, so it was nearly impossible for anyone to see her sandwiched between the two much larger men.

Lightning Bug? Rubin’s voice was gentle. His thumb moved back and forth in a caress over her hand. What is it?

Jonquille? Diego was looking out over the water as if something was hunting them.

Your people have a lot of rules, and if you don’t follow them, I think the price could be death. That’s what Ezekiel is saying.

Rubin pulled Jonquille tighter into his body, her front to his side, clamping her close with one arm while he looked a little despairingly at his brother. She said “your people,” Diego. She’s pulling away from me.

She’s not pulling away from you. She’s in a crowd, something she’s never been in, and it’s scary. There are rules. It is different. Give her a break, Rubin. Nothing’s going to take her from us. Nothing. Not even her fear. She’s tough. She looks like a little wimp …

Are you two arguing again? Jonquille broke in.

He was calling you a little wimp, Rubin said in a pious tone.

Don’t you zap me again. Diego glared at her. I didn’t call you a little wimp, I said you looked like a little wimp. There’s a difference.

I do not look like a little wimp. She sounded indignant. Her eyes went mostly silver, and for a moment little sparkling lights zinged around her rib cage. You take that back, Diego. I’m not little either. If you’re going to call someone little, Bellisia is little.

Diego coughed. Cleared his throat. Rubin met his eyes and tried not to laugh. It was extremely difficult. Jonquille tilted her chin up and narrowed her eyes at him. What?

Rubin couldn’t resist. He’d never be able to resist the combination of that stubborn little chin and those gorgeous eyes. He brought his mouth down on hers. He meant to just brush his lips gently over hers, but it didn’t seem to happen that way. The moment his mouth was on hers, sparks erupted. Lightning sizzled, streaked down his throat, roared through his veins and thundered in his groin. His mind turned to complete chaos.