You have that taste I crave, Lightning. Coral honeysuckle and wild daffodils. All Jonquille. My beautiful woman.

His tongue lapped at her. Two leisurely strokes and then he began to lap as if he was a wolf in the wild, greedily devouring the cream spilling from her.

Just like that the air in her lungs was gone, leaving her gasping. Her mind stopped all coherent thought. There was only room for feeling. Her body needed. Desperately needed. It wasn’t simply a want, a desire, it was a need growing beyond anything she’d ever experienced. Electricity surged through her bloodstream, threatening to burn so hot she was afraid she would burn both of them from the inside out. Waves of sensation poured over her. Into her. Swamped her until she cried out, trying to anchor herself by clutching at his shoulders and then his hair.

That only seemed to drive him on. He used his tongue to penetrate her, stabbing deep and then pulling back, going shallow, thrusting rough and then gentle. Every muscle in her body tightened in response. Every nerve ending caught fire. The lightning strikes increased in her bloodstream, driving straight to her deepest core, one after another, until she was breathless. Raw. Fear ripped through her, as tension gathered in her center, coiling tighter and tighter.

Rubin? She dug her nails into his shoulders.

I’ve got you. I’ll always have you. Relax, Lightning Bug. Trust me.

She did trust him. She made the effort to let pleasure take her, to turn her body over to him, but his mouth was aggressive, his tongue driving into her, then flattening to flick her sensitive button. She heard herself cry out, a cross between a sob and a moan. A desperate cry of need, and then his mouth was over her clit, suckling. Hot, bright light burst behind her eyes as the pleasure surged over her, radiating outward and upward in waves.

Rubin knelt up between her thighs, looking at that beauty laid out in his bed. His woman, one he loved. One he felt passion for. One he thought he’d never have. He cupped her small bottom in his hands and dragged her all the way to him, keeping her legs on either side of his body. She was small and delicate looking, but Jonquille was anything but fragile. Still, she was afraid, and he didn’t want to lose her now.

His cock was merciless, so thick and hard he feared he would lose control if he waited too much longer. With the base of his throbbing, painful shaft in one tight fist, he lodged the broad, weeping crown in her slick, hot entrance. Just that contact took his breath. She was scorching. Her body fighting to draw him deep. It was difficult to think with his blood roaring like thunder in his ears. He had to find a way to stay in control when he was skating the very edge, a shock when he was always in control.

“Look at me, Jonquille. Eyes on mine.” He had to see her. Make certain she was all right. He wasn’t hurting her. She was so small. “You tell me if we have to stop.” It would kill him, but he would.

He waited until those silvery-blue eyes jumped to his and then, holding her gaze captive, he slowly began to invade her scorching-hot sheath. He knew she would be hot, she was lightning, but this … An inferno of silken muscles clamped around his cock like the tightest fist, taking his breath. The friction of that steady invasion was threatening to cause him to lose what little control he had left. Nothing had ever felt this good. Nothing.

“Do you have any idea how you’re making me feel? What you’re doing to me?” He dropped one hand to her thigh to rub soothing caresses, trying to steady her. Even to his own ears he sounded a little hoarse. He didn’t know who needed soothing—Jonquille or him. He had to clench his teeth and breathe to keep from letting his body take control and plunge deep and hard the way it so desperately needed to. The fire. The heat. The scorching-hot silken fist surrounding him. It was all a perfect sensation. He shared that feeling with her.

“You gave me this, my little Lightning Bug. You did this for me. You’re always giving to me when I’m trying to give to you.”

He wanted to distract her by showing her what she was doing to him. She was tight and the sensation was amazing, beyond comprehension for him, but it was uncomfortable for her. Burning. Stretching. He felt her discomfort just as she felt his near euphoria.

He continued to move slowly, boring inch by inch of his thick shaft into her, watching her blue eyes and those rings of silver deepen. She panted, little ragged gasps that had her breasts jolting and swaying, adding to the pleasure coursing through him. He couldn’t help but love the sight of her body stretched around his. He was right there. She needed to stop him now or he was going to take her all the way.