Rubin, maybe I should go with him now. I’m not great at healing, but I might be able to give them time until you can get there. Couldn’t some of your team meet me there?

He could hear the plea in her voice. Feel the compassion in her, that healer rising to drown out every other part of her. She ignored the way her hair was still reacting to Diego’s dark energy swirling aggressively through the valley, and Sean’s men’s reactive emotions feeding into that same stream. Her body was lit up like a white-hot candle. She was used to her core temperature rising and the sparks running in a wild dance of beautiful fireworks around her rib cage. He leaned closer to her, their thighs touching, allowing his energy to slowly drain the excess from her. Just a small bit at a time, so Sean and his team wouldn’t notice.

You will not be going with them. You will be going with me. I told you, Lightning Bug, you took ten years off my life. No more scaring me like that. Stick close for a while until I get over it. Rubin looked at her face. That beloved little pixie face. She wasn’t a woman who liked being told what to do. Please. She smiled at him unexpectedly, turning his heart over.

Would the two of you have a moment some other time when I’m not holding a rifle on a potential enemy? Can’t you take anything seriously? Jonquille, I thought you’d have some sense. One of you has to. Don’t look at him like that.

Like what? She sounded dreamy, and Rubin knew she deliberately sounded that way on purpose to tease Diego.

Like you worship him or something. You look goofy. Pull it together. We’re not out of the woods yet, even if Sean is one of the good guys.

“Sir, I believe the plane is about to make another call. He’ll be looking for clearance to land. I’d like to talk him into trying to land in the meadow in spite of the fact that there’s no landing strip. See if he’ll do it,” Sean said.

I was looking at him like he’s hot as hell, Diego. There is a difference.

If you’re supposed to have Sean in your sights, how come you’re looking at Jonquille? Rubin asked.

She’s prettier than he is. And much more interesting. And she was glowing. I’m tired of looking at him, Rubin. Call this off and send him home.

I did already.

I know, that’s why I’m looking at Jonquille.

Rubin sighed. “Will he be able to land in the meadow? It’s full of holes and bumpy at present. The grass and rocks alone will make it difficult.”

“If he’s any kind of pilot, he should be able to set it down. Whether he wants to or not is another story.”

“Major, once more, I’m giving you an order to have your men stand down. We’re finished here. We need to get into position to allow the plane to land. He needs to see Jonquille as a prisoner. I want to see a clear signal to your men to lower their weapons.”

Sean winced, but he lifted his hand in the air and signed to his men in every direction to lower their weapons.

Rubin waited for confirmation that Sean’s men were obedient to the command before he rose, stretching as he did so, taking his time, presenting a target, putting his body in front of Jonquille’s as a shield. He was very careful to leave his brother a good line on the major. Jonquille started to stand.

Wait. I’ll let you know when I think it’s safe enough to get up.

You’re making yourself a target. She wasn’t in the least happy with him.

She didn’t sound angry like his brother, or feel angry, but she was upset and for some unaccountable reason, his heart clenched and then ached. He didn’t like that she was upset. He’d never cared much when others were distressed when he knew he was doing the right thing. He figured they’d have to get over it eventually. His woman was concerned for his safety, the same as his brother.

Get used to it, Jonquille. Rubin’s an ass. He’s one of the most talented men on the planet, but he’s a total ass. Think twice about looking at him with adoring eyes. He’s going to make your life hell, Diego weighed in.

Sean stood up as well, and one by one his men came out from behind the trees they were secreted in. Only when Diego signaled it appeared all were accounted for did Rubin extend his hand to Jonquille.

Are you telling us you wouldn’t protect your lady, Diego?

Get out of there. Tell Sean to get his men out of the open. I’ve got this gut thing going on. Don’t much like it. Thought it was Sean and his men. Now I’m not so sure. Might be that plane coming in. There was no more joking in Diego’s voice. He was all business.