Damn, she still smells good.

Where I used to live for the moments I got to flirt with her, I now exist for every second I get with her. I love her more than ever, and with every passing day, that love just keeps growing. She’s woven into every part of my life. She’s everywhere I look. Danny’s my life.

Slowly, I tighten my arm around her, keeping my mouth pressed to her head.

Loving Danny… it feels like it’s my sole purpose for existing.

I’m the man who gets to make love to her.

I’m the man who comforts her.

I’m going to be the man who gets to change her last name.

I’ll be the father of her children.

God. God. God. Thank you.

Thank you for not taking her from me.

Moving my hand up until I reach her neck, I soak in the feel of her soft skin. Danny presses closer to me, then she murmurs, “My gravity. That’s what you are. Without you, I’d just be floating around in empty space.”

I move my hand to her jaw, and tilting her head back, our eyes lock. “Good, because without you, I’m nothing.”

I claim her mouth, and when my tongue brushes over hers, my eyes drift shut from how good she tastes.

We savor every second of the kiss, never taking anything for granted.


Ryker got us a room at the guesthouse, where we made love for the first time. Out in the countryside, the air is fresh, and it looks like it’s going to be a nice day.

We’re following a path through the orchards, listening to the birds chirping. It’s one of the things I love most about South Africa. It’s never quiet.

His fingers tighten around mine, and glancing up, I take in the handsome man at my side.

That’s where he’s been since our first trip to Africa, right by my side. Ryker never wavered. To think I was worried about a relationship between us not working out.

The thought hits me that when Ryker said he loved me the first time, he knew exactly what he was saying.

My lips curve up, and it has him asking, “What are you thinking about?”

“The first time we had sex,” I admit.

“Yeah? What about it?” he asks.

“You said you remembered all of it. Right?” When Ryker nods, I ask, “So even though you were drunk it was something you wanted?”

“Of course.” I stop walking, and Ryker turns to face me. “It wasn't just a drunken one-night stand.”

I let out a chuckle. “Damn, there goes the only one-night stand I ever had.”

His smile grows, then he asks, “I know we’re not supposed to ask these things, but how many were there before me?”

My eyebrows pop up, then I tease him, “Seeing as it’s too late for you to leave me, I’ll answer.”

A frown instantly forms on his face. “How many, Danny?”

I shake my head, wanting him to call me by my first name, and I get my wish when he tilts his head, muttering, “How many, Daniele?”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Three.”

His frown deepens. “Excluding me?”

When I nod, he shakes his head. “Three men I have to kill. Tristan will help.”

I begin to laugh harder, and tugging at his hand, we start to walk again. “And you?”

“You’re gonna laugh,” he mumbles, and it has me pulling him to a stop again. Then he mutters, “One, and as you know, she traumatized the shit out of me.”

I give him a wide-eyed look. “Are you serious?”

Ryker nods, his gaze locking on mine. “I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve only loved you. I tried to date that one time, and after a month, I called it off because it felt like I was cheating on you.”

Emotion washes over my face as I stare at Ryker. “Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more…”

His mouth curves up into the sexy smirk I love so much, and then he lifts my left hand to his lips. “Let’s get married, Danny. Not a year from now. As soon as possible.”

Pulling my hand free from his, I lift it to his jaw. Standing on my toes, I press a tender kiss to his mouth, then I murmur, “I’m sure I can plan a wedding in a couple of weeks.”

“So, two weeks from when we return to the states?” Ryker asks, his eyes darkening with excitement.

“The first week of December,” I agree, and it has Ryker yanking me to him and claiming my mouth with a hungry kiss.

Then it hits me. I’ll get to spend Christmas with Ryker and my family. I’ll be here to see Christopher and Tristan’s children being born.

I’m even thinking less of the fact that I have cancer.


You had cancer, Danny.

You beat it.

You were sick, and now you’re better.

That’s how I’m choosing to look at it.

If it comes back, I’ll beat it again… and again because there’s no way I can let go of Ryker.