I nod as I swallow hard. “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier.” Turning my gaze to his, I ask, “Do you have scissors?”

He begins to frown. “You want to cut it yourself?”

“Rather that than lose it strand by strand.” Letting out a sigh, I add, “It gives me some control back.”

Ryker nods, and then he walks into the bedroom. He comes back with a chair, a clipper set, and scissors. His eyes lock on mine. “Can I do it?”

We stare at each other for a moment, and then I nod, sitting down on the chair.

Ryker moves in behind me, then he asks, “Where’s the incision for the biopsy they did?”

Lifting my hand, I softly press against the still tender spot.

Ryker moves my hair, and then he stills. “I wish you had told me sooner and not gone through that on your own.”

“I didn’t want to worry you in case it was nothing.”

“You going to the hospital alone is not nothing, Danny,” he grumbles. He brushes his hand over my hair, and then I feel him pressing a kiss to it. “Are you ready?”

I nod because I can’t bring myself to say yes.

Ryker’s fingers brush against my neck as he gathers my hair.

I close my eyes and fist my hands, and then I hear the scissors crunch. My face distorts as the tears threaten to fall, but I bite them back as my hair begins to drop to the floor.

After a couple of minutes, Ryker says, “Damn, you look sexy with short hair.”

I let out a sputter, which was meant to be a chuckle.

He presses another kiss to what’s left of my hair, and then he sets the scissors down and reaches for the clippers. “You’re going to look badass like you’re joining the army. Kinda fitting for your kick-ass personality.”

God, I love this man so much. Even in the darkest time, he tries to make me feel better.

The clippers begin to buzz, and then I feel Ryker’s hand on my head. He catches the remaining strands, so they don’t fall on my lap.

My body begins to shiver, and when the buzzing ends, I can’t bring myself to open my eyes.

Ryker presses another kiss to my head, and then he murmurs, “I love you, Danny.”

I nod as I stand up, and opening my eyes, I try not to look at the floor or the mirror. I try and fail miserably. The moment I see the hair on the floor, a sob bursts from me. Ryker yanks the chair out of the way and grabs me to his chest.

“You’re still the most beautiful woman on the face of this planet,” he says as he begins to press kisses all over my face and head.

I gasp against his chest and try so hard to rein in my tears. This is only the beginning. I can’t lose my shit over my hair when I’m fighting for my life.

The thought helps calm me down, and when I look up at Ryker, I even manage to smile. “So, what do you think? Does the look work for me?”

His lips curve up, and there’s so much love in his gaze as he says, “Sexy as fuck.”

I stare into Ryker’s eyes as the realization hits me just how strong he is. How loyal he is. How much he loves me.

Lifting my hand to his jaw, I lift myself on my toes and press a tender kiss to his mouth. When I pull back, I whisper, “You’re an amazing man, Ryker. How lucky am I to have you? God… so lucky.”

The doorbell rings, and it has Ryker saying, “It’s probably my folks. I asked my mom to pick something up for me.”

While Ryker goes to open the door, I walk to the closet and dig for a beanie. I pull it on then walk back to the bathroom so I can clean up all the hair. Crouching, I reach for a bundle of strands. I rub them between my thumb and pointer finger, the urge to cry forming a lump in my throat.

“Hey, Danny,” I hear Aunt Mia say.

I get up and swallow hard before I turn to face her. “Hey.”

“Let me clean that up.” My lips part to decline the offer, but then she gives me a compassionate smile. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this as well. Let me help. Okay?”

Nodding, I move to the side, still clutching the strands I picked up.

Aunt Mia leaves to get a bag, and coming back, she quickly cleans the floor. Turning to me, she gestures to my hand. “Let me have that, sweetheart.”

I glance down and see I have a tight grip on the strands. My hand trembles as I drop it in the bag.

Aunt Mia places the bag on the floor, and then she pulls me into a hug. I grab hold of her as my body begins to shiver.