God, I’m going to miss how good he smells.

The thought rips through me like a tornado and shuddering, I gasp, unable to stop the tears from falling.

“Oh baby,” he murmurs as he sits down on the bed, his arms wrapping tightly around me. “Are you sure it’s the flu?”

I nod and struggle to get the words out, “My head…”

“A headache?” he asks before pressing a kiss to my hair.

I have a tumor in my brain, and it’s killing me.

Unable to say the words, I can only nod.

Ryker moves me onto the bed. “Where do you keep the meds?”

“Bathroom cabinet,” I whisper hoarsely.


After I got some painkillers into Danny and helped her change into a pair of sweatpants and a sweater, I press another kiss to her feverish forehead.

“I’ll order you chicken soup,” I murmur. “Want some tea?”

“Please,” she murmurs, her voice sounding as fragile as she looks.

She was fine this morning but looking at her now, it looks the flu is kicking her butt.

Her eyes are swollen, and her face and neck are covered with red blotches, probably from the fever.

I walk to the kitchen and prepare tea for her. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I carry it back to the room. I set the bottle down on the bedside table and then help Danny sit up so she can have the tea.

I wait for her trembling hands to take hold of the mug, then pull my phone out. I place an order for the soup, then drop the device next to the bottle of water.

Lifting a hand, I bush my palm over the side of her head. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

Danny shakes her head, and when she takes a sip, she sputters and coughs. I quickly grab the tea from her and set it down.

“I hate seeing you like this,” I mutter as frustration sweeps through my chest.

Danny lifts her hands to her face, and then a heartbreaking sob bursts from her. Moving closer, I wrap my arms around her and hold her to my chest.

“Oh, baby,” I murmur, pressing kisses to her hair. “I’m sorry you’re sick.” She begins to cry harder, and it rips at my heart. Not knowing what else to do, I just hold her, murmuring, “I love you. I wish I could make you feel better.”

She begins to calm down until she just leans against me, soft sobs rippling over her lips, and somehow it guts me even more.

Kicking off my shoes, I pull away from her, just long enough to strip out of my suit. “Move up, babe,” I whisper, and when she does, I slip in beside her and then pull her to me. “Try to get some sleep. Okay?”

Danny curls into my side, her whole body shivering. Turning onto my side, I wrap my arms tighter around her, squashing her against my body.

“Will you stay?” she whimpers.

“As long as you need me to.”

I hold her until the food is delivered, but I can’t get her to eat the soup.

Danny also doesn’t fall asleep but instead goes from holding me to crying before calming down again. The night follows the same pattern, and in the early morning hours, I get her to drink some water.

When the sun begins to shine through the windows, I say, “I’ll have to head to work soon. Will you be okay, or can I drop you off at your parents’ place?”

“I’m just going to try and get some sleep before we leave for San Diego,” she answers, her voice raw.

“I’ll check in on you during lunch.”

Danny nods as she sits up. She lets out an exhausted sigh. “Just take my keycard.”

Getting out of bed, I put on my clothes, then go make some coffee for myself and tea for Danny.

We drink it in silence, and when I take the empty mug from her, I say, “I’m going to shoot home so I can shower and get clean clothes and my bag for the weekend. I’ll stop at the store for some Gatorade for you. Is there anything else I can get you? Tissues?”

Danny shakes her head.

Leaning over her, I press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be back soon.”

She just stares at the covers, looking like she’s been drained of her will to live.

Sitting down again, I place a finger under her chin and nudge her face up. It takes a couple of seconds before her eyes drift to mine.

“I think I should take you to the hospital. You don’t look well,” I voice my concern.

Her eyes water, and she takes a deep breath. “I just need some sleep.”

“Call me the instant you feel worse. Okay?”

When she nods, I lean in and press a kiss to her mouth. I feel her lips tremble, and it makes it hard to pull back.