She begins to wake up, and he gives her a moment for the grogginess to fade, then he says, “Your MRI looks good.” He holds it up so we can all see, and my eyes lock on the black spot where the tumor used to be.

God, that thing left a hole in her head.

Dr. Friedman looks happy, though. “I’ll prescribe you something for nausea. Okay?”

Danny nods. “Please.”

“Great. I’ll leave the prescription with your paperwork. I’ll see you next week.”

“Thank you for everything,” Uncle Carter says.

We shake the doctor’s hand, and then he leaves. “I’ll take our bags to the car, then I’ll come back for you,” I say as I begin to gather all our belongings.

Aunt Della comes to help me, and when she picks up the photos, I say, “Can I take those with us? Just so Danny has them at home.”

A smile spreads over Aunt Della’s face. “Of course.”

When I have everything, I take it to the car and pull the vehicle closer to the entrance. I jog back into the hospital and sign Danny's discharge papers. After getting the prescription, I stop at the hospital’s pharmacy to get the meds. Walking into Danny’s room, she’s sitting up on the side of the bed, talking to Sarah.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sarah says, giving Danny a hug.

“Thanks for everything,” I say as we help Danny into a wheelchair.

“You’re welcome.”

Sarah pushes the wheelchair as we leave the room. Reaching the exit, Danny begins to stand up, and it has me darting forward. When I lift her to my chest, she whispers, “You don’t have to carry me everywhere.”

“I’m not letting you walk right after you’ve had radiation,” I mutter.

Uncle Carter opens the passenger door for me, and once I place Danny down on the seat, I turn to them. “You’re coming home with us, right?”

The corner of Uncle Carter’s mouth lifts. “Of course.”

I walk around to the driver’s side and slip behind the steering wheel. Reaching over Danny, I pull on her seat belt, then I grin at her. “Finally, I get to take you home.”

Resting her head against the headrest, her lips curve up. “Home.”

“Our home,” I murmur as I start the engine.

Danny drifts off during the drive, and when I pull up the house, she’s still out cold. Climbing out of the car, I go open the front door before going back for Danny.

Uncle Carter parks behind me, and when I lift a sleeping Danny out of the vehicle, Aunt Della says, “My poor baby. She must be exhausted.”

They follow me into the house and to the bedroom. Aunt Della pulls the covers back so I can place Danny on the bed.

I watch as Aunt Della covers Danny, then I say, “Let me bring in the bags, then I’ll get us something to drink.”

“Just point me toward the kitchen, and I’ll make us all some coffee.”

Uncle Carter sits down on the bed and knowing he’s staying with Danny, I show Aunt Della the kitchen and where everything is.

After everything is taken care of, we carry extra chairs up to the bedroom, and then we all watch Danny while she sleeps.

Chapter 27


It’s been two weeks since I started radiation, and I feel like shit warmed over.

I don’t vomit as much anymore, but I’m always nauseous. I’m still taking it as a win. Even though I’m tired all the time, the fatigue usually lifts within an hour of receiving radiation. The part that really sucks? I’m starting to lose my eyebrows and lashes. Soon I’ll look like a fish.

Pulling a disgruntled face, I leave the bedroom. As I’m coming down the stairs, I hear Ryker in the kitchen. Walking inside, the corner of my mouth lifts when I see he’s busy cutting chicken breasts into strips.

“What are you making?”

His head snaps up, then he grins. “Chicken and cobb salad.”

He’s been taking care of all the meals, refusing to order in. I take a seat at the kitchen table, then say, “Let me help.”

Ryker shakes his head. “You just relax. I’ve got this.”

Leaning my elbows on the table, I stare at Ryker.

Before we started dating, I knew Ryker was a catch. I mean, I fell in love with him after all.

But this man standing in front of me… there really aren’t any words to describe how phenomenal he is.

Ryker glances up again, and seeing that I’m staring at him, he asks, “What?”

Lightly, I shake my head. “I’m just admiring the man in front of me.”

His mouth curves up into the sexy smirk I love so much. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. Take your time preparing the salad. I still have a lot of admiring to do.”

He lets out a silent chuckle.

My eyes drift over his strong jawline, and tilting my head, I murmur, “If it weren’t for your strength, I don’t think I would’ve made it this far.”