Ryker clenches his jaw, and shaking his head, he pulls me back to his chest. “I’ll do anything for you, Danny. But not that. You’re it for me. You’re the only woman I’ll ever love, and no other will compare to you. Don’t bring it up again.”

Hopefully, time will change his mind, but knowing the pain is too new, too raw and incessant, I let the subject go.

I snuggle closer to him, then whisper, “I love you, Ryker West. You’re the prince I always wanted.”

He presses a kiss to my head. “You’ve always been my princess.”

Our time alone comes to an end as Sarah comes into the room. “Morning.” Her eyebrows lift as Ryker sits up. “Did I interrupt something?”

I let out a burst of laughter. “No, we just woke up.”

“Did you get a good night’s rest?” Sarah asks.

“Actually, I did.”

As Sarah takes my temperature and blood pressure, she says, “That’s good to hear.” She looks at Ryker. “I’ll sit with Danny if you want to get some coffee.”

He clears his throat, then murmurs, “Thanks.” Ryker grabs a change of clothes and heads into the bathroom.

Then Sarah pulls a chair closer. “Tell me something about yourself.”

“Like?” I ask as I glance at her.

“Anything. What do you want me to know?”

I think for a second, then say, “Everybody at work thinks I’m this big powerhouse, but I’m actually a pushover.”

Just then, Ryker comes out of the bathroom, looking hot in his jeans and button-up shirt. “She’s lying, Sarah. She rules Indie Ink with an iron fist. I should know. She’s threatened to demote me a couple of times.”

Sarah lets out a chuckle. “Now the truth comes out.”

Ryker comes to press a kiss on my head then he leaves to get some coffee.

“How long have you been a couple?” Sarah asks.

“Five weeks.”

My answer has her eyebrows shooting up. “Wow, you guys move fast.”

Laughing, I explain, “Our families are close friends, so I’ve known him all my life.”

“Ahh… I see.”

“We went on a business trip to Africa, and one thing led to another, and now here we are,” I explain.

A soft smile spreads over Sarah’s face. “I can see he loves you a lot.”


She nods, then she asks, “Besides work, tell me something else about you.”

I shrug. “Before Ryker and I coupled up, there was only work.”

“So, you’re a work-a-holic,” she states dryly.

“Pretty much.”

“You’re going to have to make some changes. You know that, right?” Sarah asks.

I nod. “If I survive, I’m going to spend more time living and less time working.”

“That’s good to hear.”

But most of my time I’ll spend loving Ryker and my family. I’ll never take time for granted again.


I’m sitting on the side of Danny’s bed, my fingers linked with hers. I keep staring at the engagement ring, knowing she’ll have to take it off in the next couple of minutes.

My thumb brushes over her finger, and then I pull the ring off. Lifting Danny’s hand, I press a kiss to the empty spot, then I smile at her.

Suddenly Miss Sebastian rushes into the room. “Mother of fashion, traffic was a nightmare. I sounded like a drunken sailor all the way here. Road rage is a real thing.” She comes to hug Danny, then wraps her arm around my shoulders. Looking at Danny, she asks, “How are you feeling, my angel-girl?”

“Nervous,” Danny admits. “But okay.” She shrugs. “It is what it is.”

Miss Sebastian reaches over and takes hold of Danny’s hand. “Don’t downplay it for the sake of your family.”

Danny shakes her head. “It’s for my sake, or I’ll go insane.”

Instantly overwhelming frustration tightens my chest.

I hate this. God, I hate what Danny has to go through.

“I’ll be here after the surgery to help with your recovery. Okay?” Miss Sebastian says.

“Thanks, Mamma G.” Danny tries to smile, but with the surgery happening in the next twenty minutes, none of us can smile.

When Sarah and another nurse come into the room, I get up from the bed, grabbing hold of Danny’s hand.

God. I’m not ready for this.

“Time to go, Danny,” Sarah says.

Danny pulls her hand from mine and goes to hug her parents and brothers.

Keep your shit together, Ryker. Just until she leaves. Don’t let her see your fear.

When Danny turns to me, I somehow manage to smile at her. She comes to stand in front of me, and I lift my hand to her head, brushing my palm over the right side. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Okay?”

Danny nods as she swallows hard.

“I love you, Daniele Hayes.”

She lets out a slow quivering breath, then whispers, “I love you, Ryker. So much.”

There are a million words I still want to say, but none of them can form on my lips. Leaning down, I press a tender kiss to her trembling lips, and then I murmur, “You’re a fighter. Don’t forget that.”