His features tighten as he begins to slowly shake his head.

“Tristan,” I mutter. “We fucking love each other. You know what it’s like. Could you have stayed away from Hana?”

He takes a deep breath, his gaze snapping from me to Danny, then back to me. “How long has this been going on?”

“This?” I narrow my eyes on him. “We’re in a relationship. Nothing you do or say is going to change that.”

“Is that right?” he asks, fisting his hands at his sides.

I know my friend. He has a volatile nature, and the last thing I want now is to get into a fight with him.

Locking eyes with him, I say, “What’s your problem? I love Danny. You know I’ll be good to her. Why is this an issue?”

My words get through to him, and he takes a step back, sucking in a deep breath. “Why didn’t you tell me? Either of you?”

“We were going to tell you this weekend,” Danny murmurs.

Tristan's eyes lock on mine, and it has me saying, “Because I never thought anything would come of it. We’ve only been together five weeks.”

He stares at me for a solid minute, then says, “You better not break her heart.”

“I don’t have a death wish,” I mutter.

My comment draws a chuckle from Tristan. “Nah, I’d just break your legs.”

Shaking my head, I smile at him. “So, we’re good?”

“Yeah, we’re good.” He lets out a sigh. “At least I know I can trust you with Danny.” He pulls a disgruntled face. “And you’re better than all the other dickheads she tried to date.”

“Thank God,” Danny mumbles as she sits down. “All this testosterone is giving me a headache.”

Chapter 16


Standing to the side, dressed in a one-shoulder, baby blue tulle gown, my eyes go to where Ryker is sitting next to his mom while Christopher and Dash are saying their vows.

As if Ryker can feel my eyes on him, his gaze flicks to mine, and then the corner of his mouth curves up.

There’s a sudden sharp pain in my head, and I quickly glance down at the flowers in my hands. Closing my eyes. I breathe through the ache until it becomes a dull throbbing.

Just two more days, Danny.

Just two days.

Miss Sebastian, who’s Dash’s godmother, pronounces them husband and wife, and cheers break out.

I force a smile to my lips and lifting my head, I watch as Christopher tilts Dash in his arms, kissing the hell out of her.

My smile quickly turns real, and laughter bubbles from me.

The guests move to the reception hall, while the wedding party stays behind to take a couple of photos.

Christopher, Tristan, and I pose for a photo, and just as the camera flashes, my vision blurs. My legs go numb, and I grab hold of Tristan’s arm. He instantly places an arm around my waist.

“You okay?”

I nod as I blink and slur, “Just a… little dizzy… from being… in the sun.”

He rubs a hand over my back, then says, “Danny’s taking a break.” Tristan helps me over to a chair, and every step shudders through my body as if I can’t estimate where the ground is, and my steps are too hard.

“What’s wrong?” Mom calls out.

“She’s just a little dizzy. Go on with the photoshoot,” Tristan answers, and then he crouches in front of me. His eyes sharpen on my face. “You’re pale. Do you want something to drink?”

I shake my head, not sure I’ll be able to keep it in. “I just… need to sit… for a moment. I’ll be fine.”

Tristan moves to the chair next to me, and then he begins to draw patterns on my back. He always did it when we were kids, and I’d have to guess what he’s writing.

I focus on his finger, and then my lips curve up. “I love you too.”

“Haven’t lost the touch,” he chuckles.

Dad walks over to us and sits down on my other side. “You okay, princess?”

“Yeah,” I murmur.

“I saw you and Ryker holding hands,” Dad says.

“Yeah… we’re dating. I love… him.”

I begin to worry that Dad will pick up on how stilted my speech is.

“Love?” Dad asks. “When did this happen?”

I sit forward, resting my chin on my palm. “It’s been… coming since he started… at Indie Ink.”

“You really love him?” Tristan asks.

“I do. With all…. my heart.”

Dad leans forward, so I have to look at him. “How does he feel about you?”

“He loves me, Daddy. We’re happy… together.”

Only then does Dad relax a little. “That’s all that matters, I suppose.”

If I didn’t have to worry about dying, I would’ve been a nervous wreck telling my family I’m dating Ryker.

I couldn’t care less now.

I take a deep breath and get up, testing my legs. When they hold, I say, “Come on. Let’s get the photos… over with so we can go party.”

It takes another thirty minutes before we’re making our way to the reception hall. I head straight for the main table and sit down with a sigh.