“I had lunch,” she says as she walks toward her bedroom. “I won’t be long. Make yourself at home.”

Thinking Danny might get hungry later, I order her a chicken cobb salad and a pizza for myself.

I turn on the TV and switch to a channel that has a baseball game showing. Sitting down on the couch, that gives me a view of the hallway and Danny’s room, worry for her fills me.

Something’s wrong, and it has nothing to do with work.

Thirty minutes later, when the food is delivered, and there’s still no sign of Danny, my worry grows. I force myself not to hover around her and eat some of the pizza.

When an hour has passed, I walk into her room and knock on the bathroom door. “Danny, are you okay?”

She doesn’t answer, and it has me pushing the door open. Danny’s sitting in the bath, her legs pulled up against her front, while her body shivers as if she’s freezing. Crouching next to the tub, I place my hand on her back, and feeling how cold she is, I mutter, “Fuck, Danny!” Getting up, I push my arm under her knees and wrap the other around her back, then I lift her out. I carry her to the bed and set her down, then rush back to the bathroom for a towel.

I’ve never seen her like this. Can it really be that she’s just heartbroken because she’s not pregnant?

I dry her body, then wrap the towel around her. Sitting down, I pull her onto my lap and try to rub some warmth into her. “Talk to me.”

She shakes her head, letting out a quivering breath.

“Is it because you’re not pregnant?” I ask.

Danny nods, and then the tears come again.

“Oh, baby. I didn’t know it was so important to you,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

I try to comfort her as best I can, and finally, she glances up at me, but then I see a world of pain in her eyes. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess. I’m just struggling to process it.”

“That’s okay. There’s nothing to be sorry for,” I reassure her, my voice soft. “Want me to stay the night?”

She nods, then buries her face in the crook of my neck. “God, Ryker,” she sobs as if the realization just hit again.

I tighten my arms around her, and hearing her so heartbroken chips away at my own heart.

Fuck, I wish there was a way to make her feel better.

Chapter 12


Sitting across from Christopher, I say, “I’m taking tomorrow off.”

His eyes snap to mine. “Why?”

I shrug, trying to keep from bursting out in tears as I lie to him. “I need a couple of personal days. The stress is getting to me.”

“Do you have anything planned?” he asks.

“I’m going to book into a spa and just relax.” I force a smile to my lips. “So, I probably won’t answer my phone. Will you be okay handling everything for a day?”

“Of course. You need the rest,” Christopher says, a smile curving his lips up.

“Thanks.” Getting up, I add, “I owe you.”

“You’ll have to handle things while I’m on honeymoon, so we’re fine.”

“A week until the wedding,” I murmur. “How do you feel?”

“Impatient as fuck,” he chuckles.

We’ll all be taking the private jet next Friday evening to San Diego for the wedding. Dash, her mom, and my mom will fly out on Thursday to make sure everything is ready.

“I bet.” Giving my brother a smile, I walk out of his office and head back to mine.

It’s hard to act as if nothing is wrong. I keep telling myself not to panic… but God… there’s a freaking growth in my head.

Cold shivers race over my skin as I walk to my desk. Picking up my bag, I turn to leave when Ryker comes in. His eyebrow raises. “Are you going home?”


His eyes scan over me. He’s been giving me scrutinizing glances since yesterday. It’s especially hard lying to him.

“I’m not coming in tomorrow.”

He tilts his head at the news. “Why?”

“I’m checking into a spa for the weekend. I just need to unwind.”

Relief eases the worry from his face. “That’s a good idea. I’m glad you’re taking time for yourself.”

“So, don’t worry if I don’t answer my phone,” I add.

Ryker closes the distance between us and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I won’t. Just let me know the minute you get back. Okay?”

I nod. “Want to come over tonight?”

It will keep me from losing my mind.

“Of course. I just need to stop at my place for a change of clothes.”

“Okay. I can grab us dinner on the way home.”

“Sounds good,” he murmurs, his gaze lovingly sweeping over my face.

Lifting on my toes, I give him a kiss before we walk out of my office. We go our separate ways at the elevators, and instantly the worry streams back.