I nod as I bring my hands up to his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I don’t like not being in control.” I glance up at him. “It’s making me psycho.”

Ryker brings his hands up to the sides of my neck. “Why do you feel like you don’t have control?”

“I’m just not good at the dating thing,” I chuckle. “One of the reasons I’m still single at thirty-two.”

“The other reasons?” he asks.

A smile tugs at my lips. “You.”

Ryker gives me a quick kiss, then he murmurs, “You know me, Danny. I’m not going to change just because we’re dating.”

Also true.

Ryker’s eyes meet mine again. “I think we should stay in and talk. I don’t like you feeling unsure about us.”

Nodding, I gesture to the couch. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Ryker shakes his head, and taking hold of my hand, he pulls me to the couch. When we sit down, I place my clutch on the coffee table.

“Tell me everything you’re worried about,” he says as he turns his body toward mine.

Relaxing into the cushion, I say, “My brothers. I’m not so worried about Christopher, but Tristan’s going to lose his mind.

“When you’re ready, I’ll tell him. He’ll understand,” Ryker tries to reassure me.

Giving him a look, I say, “He beat the last guy I dated.”

“Because that guy was an asshole,” Ryker mutters.

My eyebrow darts up. “What makes you say that?”

Ryker’s eyes lock on mine, then he asks, “You knew he was abusive, right? Tristan found out, and that’s why he beat him up.”

Surprise ripples through me. “I didn’t know that.”

Ryker tilts his head. “Don’t worry about Tristan and me. He’ll be glad you’re with someone who will treat you right.”

My lips curve up. “Yeah, I didn’t think of it that way.”

“Anything else you’re worried about?”

“Just that people will think it’s weird. You know, with me being older,” I admit.

Ryker lets out a breath of air, and then he lifts his hand to the side of my neck. His thumb brushes over my skin, making me lean into his touch. “Are you happy with us dating?”

“Of course.”

He shakes his head lightly. “Then what does it matter what people think?”

“I just don’t want people laughing behind my back,” I mutter.

“If you’re referring to the staff, they wouldn’t dare. Those who don’t respect you fear you.”

I pull a disgruntled face. “You make it sound like I’m a tyrant.”

“No, only the person who pays their salaries.”

My gaze drifts over Ryker’s features, and seeing how sincere he is, it washes the last of my reservations away. “Thanks for listening. I know I’m overdramatic, but…” I wet my lips, then admit, “I don’t want to lose you.”

A smile curves his mouth, and then he leans in, pressing a kiss to my lips. “You won’t.” He pulls a little back. “Just in case you don’t know, I’m fucking crazy about you, Danny. This… us being in a relationship… it’s everything I’ve ever wanted.”

This time I lean into him, and I let my mouth brush over his jaw. “I’m crazy about you too.”


Being back at work, there’s a lot to catch up with. I’ve just finalized the contract for Take3, and walking into Danny’s office, I grin when I see her scowling at her screen.

“Who’s in trouble?” I ask as I drop the folder on her desk.

She glances at me, and the tension instantly fades. “Oh, no one. Is this the Take3 contract?”

“Yeah. It just needs everyone’s signatures.” I walk around her desk, and placing my hand on the back of her chair, I turn her toward me. Danny tilts her head back to look at me as I bring my other hand to her jaw. Leaning down, I steal a kiss. “I really want to fuck you on your desk,” I murmur against her lips.

Danny lets out a chuckle as she shakes her head. “Get back to work.”

“Slave driver and a cock block,” I grumble playfully before I kiss her again.

I’ve just straightened up when her door opens, and Christopher comes in. Danny instantly looks worried, and it has me reaching for the folder. “Hey, you’re just in time to sign.” I take out the document and then lean closer to Danny while I point out everywhere her signature is needed.

She gives me a grateful smile.

I turn my gaze to Christopher as he takes a seat across from Danny. “Three more weeks until the wedding. Are you excited?”

“Yeah, I can’t wait.” He grins at me, and then he begins to sign the pages Danny’s pushing his way.

When they’re both done, I gather all the pages and place them in order. I double-check that they didn’t miss anything. “I’ll get the others to sign, then bring it back,” I tell Danny as I place the contract back in the folder.

“Thanks, Ryker,” Danny says as I walk away from her desk. Before I pull the door shut behind me, I wink at her, and it makes her smile.