“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I only wanted to help.”

“I know.” Roscoe’s voice was gentle. He bent forward and kissed my cheek, the one that hadn’t scraped against the tree. “And we appreciate it.” He let go of my chin and took my hand instead. Shane crouched down on my other side and picked up my other hand, gently squeezing my fingers.

“My father said I would never amount to anything,” he told me, pain in his voice, and my heart hurt for the man I loved, hearing those words from his father. “So it’s important to me that I make something of my life, by myself,” he explained.

I nodded. I understood. At least, I think I did. His words made sense, even if I didn’t really understand the reasoning behind them. What was wrong with accepting help when it was offered? But I held my tongue. There was a lot about men that I still had to learn.

“Hold onto your money,” Roscoe said. “One day we may have need of it. I may need some of it myself, as you said, for more seed. But let me have a proper look at my crop first. I haven’t had a chance yet. Perhaps the damage is not as great as I first thought.”

I nodded again, looking down at my bath.

“But right now we have something important to do,” Shane said. “We’re going to make you ours.”

Heat shot to my core in anticipation. Them claiming me, however they wanted to, was something I would never object to.



* * *

Elise’s eyes sparked with excitement when I told her we were going to make her ours and her enthusiasm made my cock hard. She didn’t even know what we were going to do yet and already, she was keen.

“Stand up,” I told her, “and sit yourself on the edge of the tub. Spread your legs.” She looked confused. “We’re going to shave you. Our wife is going to have a nice smooth pussy. When we’re licking your clit, we don’t want any barrier between our mouths and your skin.”

I watched her closely and was pleased when she didn’t flinch. She obeyed immediately, standing up and perching herself on the edge of the tub just as I had asked. I pressed my hand between her legs, pushing her thighs further apart, tilting her pelvis further forward with a hand on her back.

“Hold still,” I commanded as I dipped the soap in the water and rubbed it on the thatch of soft, curly hair nestled between her thighs, working the soap up to a rich lather.

Roscoe took a cut-throat razor from his saddlebag and opened it out, testing the blade against his thumb. I knew it to be sharp; I had sharpened it on the strop myself. He handed the razor to me, then stood behind Elise, supporting her body, holding her still. It wouldn’t do for her to move.

Using small, even strokes, I carefully shaved her bare. Above her pussy, down her labia, the inside of her thighs. The blade slid easily over the curves of her womanhood and I watched the soap and hair mix together and fall away.

“Breathe,” I heard Roscoe telling her, but I didn’t look up from my task. I didn’t want to cut her, nor did I want to miss a single blade of hair. She was trembling and I knew she had her body braced tight against Roscoe, every muscle in her body taut.

“Relax,” I crooned softly. “It’s not going to hurt.” And slowly, she did.

When I was sure I had removed everything, I dipped the cloth into the water and wiped her clean, rubbing my hand over her mound to check. Her bare skin qu

ivered under my touch. I ran one finger up and down her slit a couple times then parted her labia so I could see her little pleasure nub. Without the protection of hair, it would be far more sensitive. She gasped, thrusting her pussy forward against my hand and I chuckled. So demanding! Just the way we liked it.

“Slide back in the water my love, rinse off,” I commanded softly, stifling my groan. My swollen cock throbbed against my pants, begging to be released. I couldn’t wait to sink it inside her. I glanced across at Roscoe. He was just as worked up as I was. But we would wait until our bride was fed and rested, we wouldn’t take her now. We wanted her to enjoy our fucking as much as we did.

While Roscoe helped her rinse all the soap from her body, I turned down the bed in the middle of the room. There was only the one, but it would be big enough for all of us. Me on one side, Roscoe on the other, Elise sandwiched in between. When I turned around, she was standing naked beside the tub, her pert breasts heaving with every breath she took, her legs slightly apart exposing her freshly bare, pink pussy and Roscoe was rubbing her dry with the towel. I imagined this scene playing out every night for the rest of our lives – rubbing Elise dry in our little cabin, turning down the bed, snuggling up next to her naked body. Making her scream with pleasure. Sharing her between us. And I couldn’t think of anything better.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, knowing that she must be famished. I doubted she’d eaten all day, but she shook her head.

“You need to eat,” Roscoe said. “It will help with the shock. Just a few bites.” Without waiting for an answer, he strode to the door. “I’ll go get some chow. I expect to see you in bed and resting when I return,” he said, wagging his finger at her.



* * *

Roscoe pulled the door firmly shut behind him, leaving me alone in the small hotel room with Shane. My head was starting to clear now, and I didn’t hurt so much anymore. But my whole body felt so alive! My pussy tingled where Shane had shaved it and I felt myself blush. Aunt Nellie certainly hadn’t told me anything about that! Did she know how scandalous it was, being completely bared, opened and shaved there? Did she have any idea how delightful each scrape of the razor against that sensitive area felt? Did she know it made sparks shoot up and down my spine, spreading their heat inside me until I felt like I would explode? Had she ever experienced the sensations the razor left behind?

I slid between the crisp sheets, reveling in their luxuriousness. Just like the fragrant soap, starched linens had been a luxury I had taken for granted in my previous life in Philadelphia. I sighed happily as I tugged the covers up to my chin.