Larry cried out in pain, and the sound of running feet had her looking up just in time to see Mr. Charles sprinting out of the alley as if the hounds of hell were on his heels while holding his arm. Her body throbbed with just that little movement, and she curled back in on herself, desperate to do anything to lessen her suffering.

She remained curled up in a ball on the ground, trying to breathe past the agony radiating through her chest and abdomen. Larry had kicked her hard in the stomach, and her breath kept hitching in her chest. She worried he’d broken something deep inside of her. She flinched as someone gently rolled her over onto her back, their touch firm but careful as they said something.

Dimly, she realized that she was losing consciousness, then she wondered if the man she was looking at was an angel. He was certainly handsome enough to be of divine origin. His dark, kind eyes filled with worry. His full lips that had a slight pink hue to them in the firelight of their lantern they’d placed on the ground next to her. His dark brown hair was thick and wavy, shining with health. Another handsome face appeared over his shoulder, the man’s golden hair glinting as he also said something. The second angel was familiar, and she tried to remember who he was.

But that was silly because she didn’t know any angels.

She must have said that out loud, because the golden-haired man gave her a worried frown in the glow of his lantern. “Did he kick the boy in the head? He sounds odd, and he’s talking about angels.”

A big, gentle hand seemed to gently cup her entire skull as she was lifted off the ground into a pair of solid arms. She started to struggle, but she had no hope of overpowering a man the size of a grizzly bear even when she hadn’t taken a pummeling. Still, the instinct to live, to avoid danger, had her continuing to try to squirm out of his arms until her ribs gave a twinge so painful she could barely breathe.

Feeling utterly helpless, she whispered, “Please, please, don’t hurt me.”

“Be easy. I’m not gonna hurt you, lad,” the big bear of a man murmured, his voice like a rumble of thunder. “Just need to make sure those bastards didn’t crack your head like an egg.”

She started to protest as someone removed her hat, but her mind and body seemed disconnected at the moment. There was instant relief as the heavy braid that she’d kept stuffed up beneath her hat came falling down. Dimly, she was aware she should be fearful that these strangers had found out her secret, but thinking about anything besides how much she hurt seemed impossible.

“What the…?” the man holding her said in deep, shocked voice. His hold grew too tight on her bruised ribs until she let out a pained whimper.

Right away, his hold loosened, and the man with the more familiar male voice stroked his fingers over her scalp. “Hush now, love, I need to see how badly that son of a diseased whore hurt you.”

Turning her face into the chest of the man holding her, she inhaled a rather pleasant scent of man, fresh air, and the hint of some kind of cologne or soap with a hint of spice. It was a good smell, a clean smell, and he was so warm. She felt safe in his arms, cared for in a way she’d so desperately needed.

She was finally safe.



* * *

The doctor came out into the hallway of the hotel room they’d rented with a curious look on his wrinkled face.

“How well do you know…Roger?” the doctor asked as he adjusted his grip on his black medical bag.

Worry filled Garret as he fought back the temptation to push past the doctor and check on the poor young woman inside.

“Not very well,” Edward said, his angular face tight with worry. “Will she be all right?”

Clearing his throat, the doctor looked up and down the empty hotel hallway before he said, “Yes, she’ll be fine with a lot of rest and good food.”

“So we were right?” Garret asked as he exchanged a weighted look with Edward. “She’s a girl?”

“Yes, well, more like a woman, but yes.” The doctor gave them a small bemused smile, his silver mustache twitching before he grew sober again. “Not the first time I’ve heard of a young lady disguising herself as a boy. Don’t need to tell you gentlemen about what kind of unsavory characters there are out there who would take advantage of a female alone. Right pretty little thing, too, once I got her cleaned up. How she managed to stuff all that golden hair up into her hat, I’ll never know, but she has a lot of it.”

Edward shifted next to him and rumbled with fury. “What kinds of injuries does she have?”

The doctor blinked at Edward and took a step back before firming his spine.

Not an unusual reaction. While Edward wasn’t especially tall, he was as thick with muscle as a grizzly and had an intimidating stare to match. Normally calm and hard to anger, the sight of the mysterious woman being beaten had woken the beast inside of his best friend. A terribly irate beast that wanted to go out and hunt down the cowards who’d hurt the girl.

Giving Edward a wary look, the doctor said to Garret, “Bruised ribs. Nothing broken but taking a deep breath will be hard for a little while. I gave her something to help her sleep, so she’ll be out for at least another six hours. Let her rest, but when she wakes up, see if you can get her to eat something light and easy. Poor thing looks like she hasn’t had a good meal in a long time. Anything too rich or heavy and her stomach might reject it. I’ll leave a tonic with you that you’re to give to her every four hours for the pain.”

Sick of waiting, Garret mumbled to Edward, “You finish this up. I have to see her.”

From the moment he’d looked into her pale, crystal blue eyes rimmed with a line of the purest black Garret felt an odd connection to ‘Roger’. Something about the young boy had caught h

is attention and awakened his protective instincts. Those instincts had told him to follow the kid, to see if Roger had somewhere to go, or if Garret could talk him into coming back to the ranch with them.