Gripping her hair in both his hands, Edward thrust himself into her mouth, his length getting impossibly harder. She remembered how he’d reacted when she played with his bollocks, and reached down, cradling them in her hands. His grip almost painfully in her hair, and she had to fight back a choke as he pushed her down until the tip of his shaft pressed against the back of her throat. With a roar that would have scared a bear, he began to fill her mouth with his seed. Burst after burst coated her tongue while she licked and swallowed as quickly as she could. Some still managed to escape, so she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand after she slowly released him from her mouth.

Edward collapsed against the headboard, his eyes closed and his big barrel chest heaving like he’d just wrestled a bull.

A bone deep exhaustion came over her, and she lay between his legs, resting her head on one furry, muscled thigh as she panted.

Warm, male hands rubbed over her bottom and she let out a soft moan, her poor body at once wanting more, but begging for some sleep.

“You are so beautiful,” Garret said as he helped her move off of Edward and pulled her up between them.

Her unladylike grunt had them both laughing as she buried her face in what had to be the softest pillow she’d ever felt. Everything felt wonderful, perfect. The blankets, the bed, and most especially the two men cuddling her between them. The scent of their lovemaking filled the room, and she took a deep breath of their musk, some primal part of her delighting in having two strong men keeping her safe. They began to talk to each other in soft voices that were no more than rumbles to her tired mind, and she drifted off to sleep.



* * *

Heat, too much heat, had Rowan trying to kick the heavy blankets off of her in her sleep, but she couldn’t manage to get free.

Confused, she opened her eyes and found that she wasn’t pinned down by blankets, but by two naked, heavy men who’d wrapped their bodies around her like vines.

Garret has his thigh thrown over her legs, while Edward had her back cuddled to his front with both of his muscled arms tucked around her. It must have been early morning, because a dull, gray light crept in around the edge of the curtains. The fireplace across the room had burned down to embers, and she blushed at the sight of their clothes strewn about. The bedding was equally tussled, and it took some effort to free herself of both the blankets and the men.

By the time she’d managed to crawl to the end of the bed to freedom, she was afraid the men would wake up, but they both continued to snore softly. The sound of their combined snores made a giggle want to escape, but she managed to swallow it back as she carefully tiptoed on the carpeted floor and picked up her chemise before darting into the water closet. She had to admit, it was quite a novel luxury to turn on the faucet and have warm water come out. Using the lavender scented soap and hand towel placed neatly on the sink, she gave herself a quick standing bath, washing away the traces of last night’s passion from her well satisfied body.

As she rubbed the cloth between her legs, she gave a little shiver at the sensation of the warm cloth on her sensitive flesh. She was a little sore on the inside, but overall felt better than she had in months. Her reflection in the mirror certainly looked better. The bruises had faded to an ugly yellow green that weren’t as noticeable as they’d been before, and her eyes had a sparkle in them that she hadn’t seen in a long time. Gripping the edges of the sink, she leaned forward and studied her reflection, then the ring on her finger.

Last night, caught up in the whirlwind of passion the men so easily called to life, she’d agreed to marry them.

In the light of day, she waited to feel regret or guilt, but had none. Instead, she was filled with anticipation as she crept back into the bedroom, eager to explore the men who would soon be her husbands and the pleasures they could give her. To her surprise, Edward wasn’t in bed, and she turned as the door to their room opened and he came shuffling in, wearing nothing at all.

Though his shaft was flaccid, it still hung thick and long between his thighs. When his sleepy gaze met hers, his smile gave her tummy flutters.

“Morning,” he rumbled as he shuffled over to her. “Let’s go back to bed.”

Taking in his rumpled look, she smiled and allowed him to lead her back into bed. “Don’t we need to leave for Bridgewater?”

Edward lifted his stubble covered chin to the closed curtains. “Snowed last night. We could make it through on horseback, but with the wagon, we’ll be stuck here for at least another day.”

“Oh darn,” she said with small smile.

Grunting, he grabbed her and fell back on the bed with her atop him. “Go back to sleep.”

Laying atop his big body, sleep was the last thing in her mind. “You go on ahead and go back to sleep. Don’t mind me. I’m just going to…explore a little bit.”

Edward opened one eye and peered up at her. “Explore?”

Smiling at him, she patted his chest and nodded, “Shhhh, don’t worry. You just go right on back to sleep, handsome.”

Garret, who’d fallen back asleep, let out a snore before rolling over on his side, presenting her with his muscled back.

She and Edward both grinned at each other, and he put his hands behind his head, a twinkle sparkling in his deep brown eyes. “Go ahead, lass. Have your wicked way with me.”

Scooting off of him and over to the side of the big bed, she slowly pulled the covers down to his waist, revealing his furry chest and tight abdominals. His body wasn’t as defined as Garret’s, but he was a big man all over. From his thick as her head biceps to the barrel of his chest, he was built for endurance and power. Scars littered his body, and she traced her fingers gently over a few, wondering what danger he’d survived to earn such wounds. The thought of him being hurt in the past made her heart ache, and she placed a kiss on an especially bad one on his upper chest.

“Did you get this during your military service?” She asked as she rubbed her hands over the old wound.

“Nothing quite so noble,” Edward said in a low voice as he stroked her hair, his hand almost big enough to palm her whole head. “When I was twelve, I decided I was going to impress the pretty redhead down the road by walking across the top of the covered bridge that separated our farm from hers. Except she wasn’t quite as impressed as I’d thought she’d be, so I decided to up my efforts and walk across the top…on my hands.”