She clutched at his shoulders while Edward did unspeakable things with his mouth that were surely a sin. Nothing that felt this good couldn’t be. He’d lick up one side of the nub, then down the other, before rubbing his tongue in a circle that had her going out of her mind. Tension tightened her legs, and she found herself trying to close them even as she shoved her sex up into Edwards eager mouth.

Garrett continued his assault on her neck and ears, making her tingle with pleasure as he whispered about how much he wanted her, how good she looked with Edward between her legs, how much she was turning them on. When she went to reach between his legs, wanting to give him a taste of the heaven she was experiencing, he pulled away.

“No, not tonight. You can touch me later, but right now, this is all about your pleasure.”

Her back bowed as Edward rimmed her entrance with one finger, setting off new sensations that exploded in her blood like fireworks. It was one of the best feeling she’d ever experienced, and she wondered if maybe she’d been wrong about putting off sex for so long. She had no idea it would feel anything like this. The pleasure, the raw and primitive sensations roaring through her were completely addictive.

“Tight,” Edward said as he kissed her thigh, probing a little more with his finger. “A virgin, to be sure.”

The words managed to penetrate beyond her pleasure, and she started to protest again. “No, we shouldn’t be doing this. Stop.”

Instead of doing as she asked, Edward made a soothing sound before placing a gentle kiss on her mound. “Worry not. I’ll do nothing to take your maidenhead tonight. I swear it. Please, let me taste your sweet honey.”

Garret stroked her unbruised cheek with a gentle touch, his voice like velvet against her senses as he whispered in her ear, “Trust us, sweet Rowan. We will never hurt you.”

“I,” she nearly choked on her words as Edward took his finger, still slick with her juices, and rubbed it against her rear entrance. “What are you doing!”

He didn’t bother to reply, instead sucking her swollen clit into his mouth, then flicking his tongue rapidly over the sensitive tip. Sounds she didn’t know she could make poured out of her as wonderful sensations washed over her like a giant wave. His finger against her bottom no longer bothered her. Instead, as caught up in ecstasy as she was, the feeling of being played with back there was decadently naughty. She squirmed against him, panting and crying out before Garret took her mouth again.

“That’s it,” he urged between kisses. “Give us your climax.”

A burning started in the pit of her belly, then exploded out into every inch of her body as she screamed her pleasure into the night. Waves of tingling bliss blacked out her thoughts, taking her to a place where nothing hurt, nothing bothered her, and everything was perfect. Big male hands smoothed her dress back into place, while another set of hands helped get her tucked into her bedroll. By the time she was able to open her eyes, she found herself on her side, facing a smiling Edward who was laying in front of her.

Her arousal shone on his lips as he smiled, “Feeling better?”

Amazed that she was still able to blush after her wanton actions, she nodded. “Very much so.”

A warm, hard male body slid up behind her and Garret wrapped his arm around her waist, as Edward scooted closer to her front. She soon found herself comfortably sandwiched between the two men, who were grinning over her head like fools. They were careful to keep their pelvises away from her, but during their maneuvering, she had felt their erections. Very large ones at that. She didn’t have a lot of experience with men, but she’d caught glimpses through windows of her male neighbors in the building across the street walking naked past their windows. None of them had been nearly as good looking as Edward and Garret, and none of them had the men’s length and girth.

It made a little shiver go through her that was pure desire, but the men mistook for her being cold.

“Here,” Edward said as he pulled another sheepskin over them, “this should help.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, suddenly unable to meet his gaze.

Edwards’s gentle, thick fingers tilted her chin up as he stared down at her, his face mostly in the shadows of the firelight, “Your feminine juices are sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted. Here, let me show you.”

Moving slowly, he lowered his head until their lips brushed. She gave a soft moan as new sparks of pleasure detonated inside of her. He was so big, but the way he cradled her head as his soft mouth seduced hers was highly erotic. Yes, she could taste herself on his mouth. Tart and sweet—she was relieved to know that she didn’t taste bad. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was enjoying the longest, slowest, most drugging kiss she’d ever experienced. While Garret kissed her with fire and passion, fierce and devouring, Edward kissed her like he wanted to savor her. Both different, but equally phenomenal.

So phenomenal, that when he stopped kissing her, she made a little mew of disappointment and tried to pull him back. “More.”

“Lass, you tempt me like no other, but this isn’t the time or the place.” Garret helped her sit up a little bit and handed her a canteen. “Take another dose of the tonic the doctor made. It will help you sleep. I can tell you from experience, sometimes it’s a few days after a beating that the real pain kicks in.”

She did as he said but grumbled afterwards, “I didn’t even like kissing you anyways.”

Both men laughed, and she had to duck her head to hide her own smile. The whole situation was just so out of her realm of experience that she had the odd urge to both giggle and cry at the same time. Garret leaned over and wrapped her up in his arms as Edward leaned forward and brushed his lips softly over hers.

“Are you really saying my kisses were unbearable? Were those sweet, erotic moans you made ones of protest, not of pleasure?”

One of those moans wanted to escape right then as her desire instantly flared to life. “Maybe they weren’t terrible.”

Another of those teasing, soft kisses before Edward pulled back and studied her. “I would love nothing more than to kiss you until you don’t know your own name, but I will not be celebrating our wedding night on the road. I want you spread out for us on our big, soft bed at home, wearing nothing but all that golden hair.”

“Wedding night?” She tried to elbow Garret to get him to stop kissing on her increasingly sensitive skin to let her think. “What wedding night?”

“We have decided,” Edward said with a huge smile, “that you will be our
