Feeling more than a little tipsy, she frowned at him as she started to battle with the laces of her boots, ready to get beneath the heavy covers they’d provided her. The fire kept the air warm, but the occasional chilled breeze would sweep into their alcove and instantly make her feel like she was coated in in ice. As she fumbled with the knot, her mind wandered to the more intimate aspects of having more than one husband.

“But don’t they get jealous when one husband is…enjoying his marital rights with his wife and the others are left out?” Edward and Garret chuckled, and she stopped battling with her boot to scowl at them. “What?”

“No one is left out,” Edward said with a wicked grin that had her gaping at him.

She tried to ignore the pulse of heat in her belly as she said, “You mean…all at once? That’s sinful.”

Garret shrugged, then set the flask back into his saddlebag before turning to her. “Not according to their beliefs. They don’t demonize sexual relations the way a lot of western countries do. It is a sacred part of their culture, and the women are extremely happy. Wouldn’t you enjoy having two men see to your every pleasure? Two men to protect you and keep you safe, to provide for you and love you?”

“I…I…I can’t even imagine what that would be like. No decent woman would want such a thing.” She swallowed hard as Edward reached out and took one of her booted feet in his hand, then Garret the other. “What are you doing?”

“Showing you what it is like to have two men take care of you,” Edward rumbled, his big fingers making deft work of the laces on her boots.

When she tried to lunge forward to smack their hands away, her ribs gave an ache of protest that had her quickly jerking back. “I can manage on my own.”

“Of course you can,” Garrett said in a soothing voice that seemed to stroke over her skin like a purr. “But it is our privilege to help you. To pamper and indulge you.”

She let out a bitter laugh, surprised by the tears burning her nose. “I have never, not one day in my life, had anyone pamper or indulge me.”

“Then let us care for you,” Edward urged, now close enough that she could see the fire reflecting in his dark eyes. “For once, let someone else be in charge. Since you were but a wee lass, you have had to take care of yourself and your family. You deserve to be worshiped. You deserve to be cherished. Trust us to treat you as you deserve to be treated.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she nodded, leaning back onto her elbows as she watched each of them carefully unlace her boots, then pull them off. But they didn’t stop there. Once her boots were off, and her stockings still on, they began to rub her feet in a way that had her eyes rolling back into her head.

“Ohhhh,” she moaned as Edward dug his thumb into the arch of her foot. “Oh God, that feels so good.”

Both men laughed, that low, dark laugh that let a woman know what kind of carnal thoughts were on their mind.

“Shhhh,” Garrett swept his fingers over her ankle and began to rub, “let us care for you.”

The feeling of their hands on her had that fluttering in her belly going crazy. No man had ever touched her like this. Sure, she’d had her share of experimental stolen kisses and groping, but from a young age she knew the consequences of sex. Innocence was a luxury only the rich could afford. She’d seen the single mothers scraping out an existence with their bastard children in the slums. Besides, she’d always dreamed of finding herself a real cowboy for a husband, the kind her father read to her about before bed at night. Strong, brave men who carved their own path in the world.

Men a lot like the ones currently rubbing her calves while they watched her closely.

They had magical hands, that was the only excuse she could make as she allowed their fingers to stroke higher and higher along her legs, the dual sensations making her sex ache and clench. Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the wonderful sensations they created in her all too willing body. They were massaging the hint of skin between her stockings and her bloomers, their fingers brushing again and again over her inner thighs. The closer they got to the apex, the wider she found her legs spreading.

Dimly, her rational mind scolded her for being such a hussy, but she found it hard to care about what was considered proper and not.

“There you go,” Garrett murmured as she spread her legs further, rewarding her with a gentle stroke on the extremely sensitive skin of her inner thigh. “Let us give you pleasure.”

Talking was beyond her, so she nodded, then her whole body arched up as one of the men ran his finger down the s

lit of her bloomers, finding her wet, bare flesh beneath.

“Ohhh,” Edward groaned, “she’s so wet for us.”

Startled by his voice, she started to protest when Garret suddenly leaned down and took her mouth in a kiss filled with such passion and need that all she could do was cling to him. His tongue, faintly tasting of whisky, stroked along her own, coaxing her into kissing him back. When he nipped her lower lip, she moaned in response, then jerked as Edward brushed the bud of her pleasure with his thumb.

“Sweet little pot of honey,” Edward said in a low, almost menacing voice. “I wonder if you will taste as good as you look.”

Garret held her in his arms as he made love to her mouth. That was the only way she could describe it. He kissed her like she was the air he needed to breathe, and it was intoxicating. Her body roared with desire and when something warm and wet rubbed against her sex she gave a loud gasp. Pulling back from Garret, she looked down to find Edward’ broad shoulders spreading her legs wide as he gave her pussy another lick through the slit in her bloomers.

“What are you doing!” she screeched, trying to scramble away but pinned in place like both Garrett and Edward.

“Delicious,” Edward all but purred as he looked up at her from between her legs.

“Stop that!” A zing of indescribable pleasure had her choking on her words as his mouth found her pleasure bud and sucked. “Oh, oh God!”

“So beautiful,” Garrett murmured against the side of her neck.