She met Donya at the door and none too subtly urged the other woman out into the hallway so I could have a moment with Nora.

Looking like she wanted to flee out the door with her friend, Nora startled when I laid my hand on her shoulder, slowly pulling her into me.

At first, she was stiff, then her arms came up and wrapped around me as she laid her head on my chest. The smell of her shampoo filled my nose as I ran my lips over the crown of her head. She made a little sighing noise and burrowed in closer, the softness returning to her frame. While her mind was all screwed up about how to react to me, her body trusted me, and I counted that as a major win.

“Goodnight, Nora,” I said in a soft voice as I very reluctantly let her go.

She moved back into my arms, her head tipped back as she whispered, “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

“Not yet,” I said with a smile, loving that flare of irritated fire in her gaze that chased back the last of the ice. “And I wanted to apologize for leaving you alone earlier. I didn’t realize you sub dropped so hard. If I’m lucky enough to have a next time with you, I’ll make sure I have an ample supply of hot chocolate and cartoons for us to watch.”

She rested her cheek back against my chest as she said, “All I need is you.”

When she was sweet like this, it made it doubly hard to resist my body’s demand that we take her, now.

Gritting my teeth, and adjusting my cock, I took a step back and forced myself to say, “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

She started to the door then hesitated for a moment. “Thank you, again, for everything.”

And then she was gone, leaving me alone in my room as the door slid shut.

A second after the door automatically locked, I pulled my cock out from my pants and let out a moan of relief as I began to stroke myself. I had a thick gold bar piercing through the head of my cock, and I loved how sensitive it made the tip of my shaft. Rubbing my thumb over one of the balls, I imagined it was Nora’s tongue. A pornographic reel of tonight’s activities sped through my mind and as I stroked myself harder and harder. I came in what had to be record time. Leaning against my desk with one hand, I jerked my cock so my seed spilled on the gleaming wood of my desk. It felt like I came forever, and when I was finally done, I was a sweaty, panting mess.

If Nora was here right then, I’d make her lick her my cum off my desk while I ate her out from behind.

My dick pulsed and I gave a shaky laugh, cleaning myself and the desk with some tissues before I began wrapping up for the night so I could head home and plan my seduction.

Chapter 6


“I don’t wanna to do this,” I whined as I stood watching the video feed from the security cameras pointed at the gate to Shyla’s house.

“Then don’t,” Shyla replied in a bored voice as she read something on her laptop screen, the glare reflecting off her thick green reading glasses.

“But I do want to do this.”

“Then go,” she typed away at the keyboard, her bun bobbing as she said, “Either way, I love you, but shut up. You’re driving me crazy with your indecisive drivel. Stop over thinking and just go with the flow. Jesus, how do you pick out what panties to wear in the morning? Do you stand there and agonize through a dozen different negative scenarios before you find the perfect pair to get hit by a truck or run over by a train in?”

I gave her the finger, but she didn’t pay me any attention. Movement came from the screen and the security chime sounded as Tyler’s silver SUV pulled up to the front of the house. My heart, already pounding along at a merry rhythm, took flight in my chest as I caught a glimpse of him as he parked.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” I flapped my hands around. “Do I look okay?”

“You look perfect,” Shyla glanced up from her screen at me for like a second, then nodded. “Tyler is going to cream his jeans when he sees you.”

“Yuck,” I said as I stared at the screen and waited for Tyler. “I hope I’m not under dressed. Or over.”

“You’re perfect,” Shyla said. “Stop already. Your outfit is cute as shit, picked out by my stylist, who has amazing taste. Now, stop being such a spaz and go answer the door.”

Okay, she was right, my outfit was cute as shit. I wore a pair of tanned shorts cut higher than my usual preference, but they seemed to be the norm for this part of California. Shyla had added a pretty gold chain belt with tiny coins on it that sat low on my hips. The white and peachy pink flowy blouse I wore showed around a quarter inch of my belly, and I felt self-conscious, but once again I had to remind myself that showing a little bit of skin didn’t make me a skank like my ex said.