“Why don’t you join me?” I said with a coy flutter of my lashes while he turned the lights down to an amber glow.

“Not this time, princess. Daddy wants to wash you up before bed.”

And cue my pussy clenching down hard inside of me as Tyler slipped more into Daddy mode. It was so wrong, so dirty, yet so right for us. I enjoyed just laying back and lifting the limb he indicated out of the water. I loved it when he ordered me around, when he took charge yet touched me gently. Like I was precious.

The soft brush of the cloth over my skin, the embrace of the water, the way he looked at me—I felt positively drunk with desire by the time he had me stand up.

For a long, long moment he sat back on his heels, just staring at me. I didn’t fidget, instead frozen beneath his gaze as his eyes roamed me, drinking me in. I felt so desired, so wanted as he basically obsessed over me. Then Tyler abruptly stood, took his wallet and cell phone out of his pocket and tossed them on the counter before joining me in the tub with a splash.

Chapter 7


It was the soap bubbles dripping off her left nipple that snapped my control.

I was doing so well, caring for her, soothing the need to go kill her ex-douche who’d damaged her so deeply.

Over and over in my mind, I’d imagined that single night of her life, plus what she’d probably had to endure over and over on a daily basis.

Taking care of her had helped calm me, at least at first. The feeling of her smooth, muscled arms and legs, the delicate grace of her runner’s body so alive beneath my touch—it soothed me. With her hair piled up on her head and her eyes closed as I rubbed soap into her fingers, she’d been so cute, my heart had literally ached. At least until I saw the cut on her neck. Then my guilt kicked in, and I vowed to somehow repay her for the kindness and strength she’d displayed tonight.

What a fucking night.

I had her stand up and turn around, motions she did without question, and then I got a good look at her tits and my mind got obliterated by the rush of blood to my cock.

She had these thick, almost raspberry red nipples with light brown areolas. Very pretty breasts, the kind that had a little slope to them. A puff of soapy bubbles slowly slid over the creamy curve of her breast, just below the tan line left behind by her bathing suit. It hung on the tip of her nipple, the already tight nub crinkling further beneath the onslaught of both the cool air and my regard.

Making a split second decision I hoped I didn’t regret, I went with my instincts and tossed aside my stuff before stepping into the tub with her, still wearing my shorts and socks.

“What are you doing?” she squealed with laughter as I lowered us both into the water. Some sloshed over the sides, but the floor tiles were angled to carry any excess water to a drain beneath the tub. Her happy giggles as I held her slippery and smooth little body in my arms made me feel so fucking good inside, I wanted this moment to last forever. My back was to the curved edge of the oversized tub, easily big enough to fit us both, as she floated around a bit so she was facing me, her soft breasts brushing my chest as she held onto the sides of the tub above my head.

We stared into each other’s eyes and I finally got why they always had characters doing this in movies when they were supposedly in love. Before, yeah, I’d liked looking into a woman’s eyes. But what I felt when I stared into Nora’s big hazel eyes made me swallow hard. Fuck, I think I was in love with her.

If I told her that, she’d probably run screaming into the night.

So I kept those words to myself, but let my eyes, my body, my heart say them to her as I drew her in for a soft kiss, running my hands down her water slick back, loving how she eagerly responded to me. The throaty moans she made as she deepened our kiss had me gripping onto the edges of the tub. I wanted her so fucking bad, more than I’d ever wanted any woman in my life, but I had to go slow. Despite my best intentions, she was seriously straining my self-control with her soft hands exploring my body beneath the water and her breasts constantly stroking my chest.

“Please, Daddy,” she whispered against my mouth as her hand grazed my aching dick. “Please, pretty please with a cherry on top let me touch you. I need this, please.”