But what a cute ass it was. A little bubble butt, the perky kind that would shake beautifully when I smacked it. Small enough that my big hand would cup her entire cheek when I ground into her and made her cum. The blare of a horn behind us cleared my head, and I instinctively put myself and my board between Nora and the street as I scanned for any potential dangers.

Forcing myself to stop acting like some horny teenager talking to a pretty girl for the first time, I said, “What kind of job brought you all the way out here?”

She smiled up at me, and this time it was with real happiness. “I’m a digital illustrator.”

“Cool, do you do, like, cartoons?”

“I’ve done cartoons in the past. And anime, and a bunch of other stuff. Right now, though, I’m working on the special effects team of a big budget sci-fi movie coming out next year.”

“What’s it about?”

She turned, her small face solemn as she said in a bad Russian accent, “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

“Got it, top secret.”

“Yeah. I mean I understand why, but it’s such a cool movie. I want to talk about it, and I can’t, and it’s killing me!” she said in a rush, then she laughed. “Sorry, if you can’t tell, I’m a little excited about my job.”

Laughing, I gave a nod to the gray and white three-story house on our left. “And that’s a good thing. This is me. The gray house with the red door and the ivy growing up the side.”

“Wow, nice place,” she said as we crossed the street, the palm trees lining the sidewalk providing some welcome shade.

My house was only a few blocks from the beach, a narrow three-story home pressed right up against its neighbor with a strip of grass on either side and a small yard in back. I’d managed to score a corner lot, so my yard was slightly bigger than the others, which meant I could fit ten people on the patch of grass instead of six. Land was at a premium this close to the ocean, and every inch was used. At nearly three thousand square feet, my place wasn’t a mansion, but I loved it and it was big enough to entertain my extended family. My mom lived a couple blocks away, while my sister and her family a twenty-minute drive on a good day. Plus, the rooftop deck was the perfect place for watching the sunset over the ocean in the distance.

As I scanned my thumbprint then keyed in the code, Nora made a low whistle. “Wow, fancy door. I see a keyhole but no handle?”

I looked up at her words with a grin. “Yep. Watch.”

I laid my hand on the door and it swung open at my touch.

“Nice place.” Her eyes were wide as she took in the Mexican tiled foyer and big wrought iron lantern with blue and green glass hanging in the entry. “Wow. That’s a cool chandelier.”

Laying my board next to the others along the wall, I smiled. “My sister made it.”

“Really? She’s incredibly talented.”

“Thanks. Unfortunately, she got all the artistic talent in the family. I can barely draw a stick figure.”

“Holy crap,” she said with her big doe eyes wide with wonder as she started over my shoulder. “That is the biggest cat I have ever seen.”

I glanced up the dark wood stairs leading to the second level to see Tia strutting her stuff down the steps. She was a big cat, a tabby Maine Coon mix that weighed close to twenty pounds, but her long, fluffy fur made her seem even bigger. “That’s my baby, Tia. Her sister Mia is around her somewhere, but she’s a little more skittish. It usually takes her a bit to warm up to strangers.”

Nora crouched down and held out her hands, making a little kissy sound. “Aren’t you the prettiest girl ever?”

Tia, always looking for attention, sauntered over to Nora and gently bumped her outstretched fingers, rubbing her face into Nora’s hand as she began to scratch.

“She is so soft!”

“Thanks. They demand constant brushing like the spoiled divas they are.”

When Nora smiled up at me, my mind went again to how fucking cute she was, and I had to turn away and start up the steps so she wouldn’t see the semi I was sporting, again. Shit, maybe I needed to jack off in the shower. I was around stunning, naked women fucking their brains out all the time at work. After four years of it, I shouldn’t be getting a hard-on over some woman’s smile.

“Awww, you’re a good Daddy.”

Hearing that word from her lips, while she was on her knees, hit me hard. I moved quickly behind a nearby couch, picking up a t-shirt I’d thrown onto the back of it earlier. Board shorts weren’t very forgiving, and I’m blessed in the dick department. Most of the time, it’s something myself and my partner were pretty happy about, but now was not the time. I was a stranger to her, and she’d just had a good scare. The last thing she needed was me making her uncomfortable.