His growl made me smile against his mouth, and he reached down, cupping my behind in my shorts and pressing me to him like someone in a romance movie. It was an incredibly effective hold, allowing him to both grope my bottom and grind me against his thick cock—a cock I wanted desperately. I’d had to get myself off twice this morning with my dildo, and I still felt achy and empty inside. As he licked his tongue along mine, I couldn’t help but rake my nails lightly over his shoulders.

“Hey,” squawked Shyla’s voice from the intercom next to the front door. “No making out in public. You’ll lower my property values. Don’t make me turn on the sprinklers.”

“Go away,” Tyler yelled at the house before returning to kissing me.

“Five,” came Shyla’s voice over the speaker by the doorway. “Four…”

Laughing, I broke then kiss then tugged at Tyler’s hand, “Quick, get in the car. She means it!”

He swiftly hit the locks, and we both dove in, shutting the doors just as the sprinklers came on. The water fell like mist on his windshield, and caught the setting sun, making faint rainbows all around us. Smiling with delight, I looked out the window at all the pretty arcs of light surrounding us.

“Nora,” Tyler said in a soft voice that held the edge of hidden steel. “Look at me, princess.”

I turned, still beaming from the rainbows, and gasped as he lunged at me from across the seat. He gripped the back of my carefully styled curls, probably mashing them beyond saving but I did not give one fart. I was equally ravenous as his mouth met mine, our hands all over each other in the semi-privacy of the sprinklers and the tall hedges surrounding the property.

I moaned against his soft lips, encouraging him as his hands roamed up my sides and paused right before he reached my breasts.

“Not yet,” he said as he broke our kiss. “Not yet, princess.”

“Why not?” I growled at him, crossing my arms over my so-stiff-they-hurt nipples.

“Because I said so,” he replied with a grin.

“That’s not fair.”

“Nope,” he agreed as he adjusted his large erection and smiled at me. “I’d love to sit here and make out with you until the stars fall from the sky, but I don’t want to lose our reservations.”

He turned the car on and used the windshield wipers as we pulled out, the driving melody of one of my favorite rock songs playing as we pulled out of Shyla’s luxe gated neighborhood.

While Tyler merged into the endless traffic, I put on my sunglasses and tried to study him without being too obvious. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, and I found the sure, steady way that he drove in the horrible traffic a turn on. Shocking, I know. Everything he did made me want to rip his clothes off and lick him all over. Fidgeting with my fingers, I let out a little inner sigh when he reached over and held my hand, allowing me to clasp both of mine around his. Looking down, I marveled at how sun roughened and beat up his hands were compared to mine. My pretty pink and blue pearl nails sparkled as I absently stroked the light golden hair on the back of his hand.

“So how was your day?” Tyler asked as we came to a red light. “Did you get your work done?”

He sounded interested, but I was hesitant as I said, “I did, but I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it.”

My ex had been bored to death with my ‘doodling’ and he always made my job seem like some kind of childish hobby despite the fact that I paid most of the bills. Of course, back when we were first dating, I was the most amazing artist he’d ever met, gifted beyond compare. By the end of our relationship, he had me believing that I was the worst fucking poser the world ever shat out, and my work wasn’t even real art. He said, all my life, people had just been pretending to like my art so they wouldn’t hurt my feelings because I was such a crybaby.

I had to remind myself that a hundred percent of what my ex said about me was bullshit, but still my voice came out hesitant when I said, “Are you sure? I mean, people don’t want to hear about my art. It’s boring.”

“I absolutely do,” he insisted with a sincere smile. “Seriously, your job as an illustrator is interesting. I’m not artistic at all, so your ability to create beauty out of nothing is astounding. It’s one of those things I always wished I could do, so I greatly admire those who can.”

I knew I was beaming as I soaked in his sincere praise, but I couldn’t help it. As we drove up the coast toward Manhattan Beach, I told Tyler how I’d always loved to draw and how a lot of hard work and good luck had led me to my current dream job. He’d asked lots of questions, and I could tell that he wasn’t faking his interest.