“I sure did.”

A stinging sweat broke out along my arms. “But—but he’ll know everything about me! That background check and likes/dislikes questionnaire was intense.” I began to chew on my finger with worry. “Oh my god, he’ll know I’m into girls, and that I’m an exhibitionist. He’ll think I’m some kind of slut.”

Shyla’s firm hands on my shoulders kept me from slipping back into the past, to my ex screaming that I was nothing but a worthless whore, that my desires were wrong, that I was disgusting for allowing him to do what he did to me as I cowered on the floor, crying from his abuse.

“Nora,” Shyla said in a sharp voice that snapped my gaze to hers. “First, I didn’t know you were an exhibitionist, you kinky little minx. And, no, you are not a slut,” she said in a strong voice, her steel hard will putting some strength in my spine as she stared into my eyes. “There is nothing wrong with sex, nothing wrong with kink, as long as everything done is consensual. What your ex did to you was not kink, it was abuse. He was a sick fuck who got off on breaking women. You know that. Once he went to trial, dozens of women came forward with stories about how he’d conned and abused them. He was the problem, not you, and not all of those other women he hurt for his sick fucking kicks.”

“I know,” I whispered, hating the hold he had on my mind. “It’s just…it’s hard.”

“I understand. I mean, I don’t totally understand, because I would have kicked him in the dick the first time he told me I couldn’t wear my favorite heels and left, but I know you’re going to reclaim your life. You are stronger than you know, Nora. Incredibly strong. Your ability to love, to trust…I envy that it is so easy for you to do that. I envy that you were born with an endless amount of love to share with the world. I really do.” Lacing her hands behind her head, she stretched out as she said, “Shit, it’s getting late, and I need to meet with my agent this afternoon. We still on for tonight?”

Glancing at the clock over the stove, I nodded. “Yeah, but I need to wrap up a few things at work first. I should be done by the time you get back from meeting with your agent.”

Rolling her neck, Shyla let out a groan. “Remind me why I’m awake this early on a Sunday again? Remind me why I wanted this role so bad?”

“You’re awake because you have to get your booty in gear to play a warrior princess who rides a battle unicorn and does crazy stunts. You wanted this role so bad because it’s a strong, powerful female character, the plot is actually good, and the movie is based off one of the most popular and diverse young adult book series ever written. A book series you secretly love, you closet nerd.”

Reaching down to touch her toes with more grace that I could ever manage, Shyla’s voice came out muffled as she said, “You’re a Nerdasstadon.”

This was a familiar argument between us, one that had been going on since we were both, admittedly, nerdy kids. “You’re a Dorkasmaximus.”


Shyla’s phone gave a little ping and she smiled that feral smile of hers that always made the hairs on my arms stand up. “Well, look at that. Someone’s guest pass just got approved! Wow, Tyler works quick. Oh, we are gonna have fuuuunnn tonight!”

When her sparkling hazel eyes met mine, my stomach sank. “No, I can’t. Not yet.”

Waving her hand at me, Shyla grabbed a fresh bottle of water from the fridge for herself then pointed it at me. “Yes, you can! You are going to Club Wicked with me tonight. I need a release from all this tension, and you need to dip your toe back into the dating pool before your pussy dries up.”

“I’m hardly in danger of that,” I said in a bland voice.

“You can raid my closet for an outfit, if you want,” Shyla said as she headed toward the hallway leading to the garage. “Aren’t you glad I made you get a Brazilian wax last week?”

I yelled at her departing back, “I still haven’t said I’m going!”

“Try on the pink latex dress on the left side of my closet, next to the purple fake fur jacket. Wear whatever you want, but stay away from my panties. Later!”

The door slammed behind Shyla, leaving me alone in the all too quiet house. Faintly, the fridge hummed as I stood there, more than a little stunned by the events of the past few hours. I wandered over to the window then wrapped my arms around myself, the air conditioning just a touch too high for my comfort level. Looking out the massive window by the kitchen table big enough to seat ten, I stared out at the deck, then the gleaming blue water of the pool. Beyond that lay a big green lawn and some fencing, then the top of the stairs leading to a path down the cliffside to the rocky beach below.