The mysterious smile she gave me made me want to choke her. “Would you just tell me how you know him?”

Twirling on the barstool, she flexed her foot and said, “Remember the club I belong to where I’m trying to get you a guest pass? The BDSM club?”

Flames of embarrassment heated my face. “How could I forget? The application and questionnaire I had to fill out knows more about me than even you.”

“I told you, once I can talk about it with you, it’ll be totally worth it. I know you and douche went to a few BDSM clubs in Oklahoma, but it is nothing like the place I want to take you.”

“And what does this have to do with Tyler?”

“Tyler,” she said, putting a trill into his name as she sang it to me, “Is one of the heads of security for the club.”

My stomach spun and my hands got damp as I gripped the cool edge of the counter. “He’s what?”

“The head of security for…oh, fuck it. I’d bet you’re about to be approved anyway—for Club Wicked.”

“Club Wicked,” I echoed in stunned confusion. “Tyler is the head of security for a BDSM Club?”

“Not just any BDSM club, my little subbie.” She teasingly tickled my side, making me laugh despite myself. “One of the best BDSM clubs in the land. Very private, very exclusive, and very, very safe. Thanks, in part, to guys like Tyler. Seriously, Nora, I know you’ve been having a bit of a dry spell since super douche, but Tyler is a good guy. Everyone thinks highly of him, and half the subs are in love with him. If you’re going to get your neglected needs met, I’m sure he’s more than able to take care of you. He has a very good reputation as a Dom.”

Jealousy flickered in my belly as I said, “Oh yeah? He gets around?”

“No, he doesn’t get around,” Shyla said with exaggerated air quotes. “I’ve never seen him do a scene, but I can tell you he’s a Dom. Older, hot, and in a position of authority. He should be right up your alley, you Daddy loving perv.”

I groaned, then gave her a mock kick she easily blocked. “I’m sorry I had a crush on your Dad, okay? Sheesh. I was ten years old.”

Laughing, she picked up her phone, the blue and black case gleaming as she began to type something on it. “Everyone had a crush on my dad. It was gross.”

She wasn’t lying. Her dad had been a minor rodeo star back in his day, and he’d aged really well. Plus, he was our town’s sheriff, and I’d always thought he was so brave and felt safe knowing Shyla’s dad was watching over us. Did I mention he was really hot? Of course he never saw me as anything more than a kid, but my tween years had been spent secretly wishing I’d find someone like him someday.

“See, you’re thinking about my dad right now, aren’t you? Yuck.”

I ignored her, moving past her to grab a bottle of water from the huge double fridge. “So back to Tyler—he’s a Dom?”

“Like I said, he doesn’t do public scenes and keeps himself pretty private. Comes with the job, I guess. But from what I’ve heard, he’s a good guy, and the subs he’s been with always mention him fondly. Exactly the kind of guy you need,” Shyla said without looking up from her phone. “I can’t believe you just randomly picked him to run up to. If I believed in love, I’d say some shit about fate and all that, but since I don’t, I’ll just say you’re a lucky bitch.”

After taking a long drink, I rested the cool water bottle against my chest. “I really like him already, and that worries me. I don’t want to be stupid about a man again, you know what I mean? Douche had me convinced he loved me and moved in with me two weeks after we’d met.”

Shrugging, Shyla continued to type as she said, “Tyler is nothing like your ex. At all. And if Tyler asks to move in here in two weeks, you can tell him to fuck right off for me. I love you, but your man toy is not crashing at my house.”

“That’s assuming I ever talk to him again.”

“Oh, you will.” She set her phone down with a satisfied smirk. “I have a feeling your guest pass to Club Wicked is about to get bumped to the front of the line.”

I set the bottle down on the counter behind me before turning to her. “What are you talking about?”

“I just sent Tyler a text, letting him know a certain single subby princess wants to play with him at Club Wicked.”

A strange mixture of happiness, embarrassment, nervousness, and dread filled me. “You didn’t.”