Page 118 of The Boy on the Bridge

I step behind someone tall and linger there for a moment since Hunter can’t stare at me if he can’t see me. When I peek past the tall guy a few seconds later, Hunter’s focus has shifted back to his audience. His hand has slid around Valerie’s waist, too.


I know he’s doing it for my benefit, but it still stings.

I finally find Sara in the crowd. She’s standing alone on the fringes of Valerie’s crew, smiling in their general direction as if she’s part of whatever conversation they’re having, but she’s an observer.

I’m not even sure what the reception will be like, but I approach her, anyway. “Hey.”

Her gaze snaps to me as if in surprise. “Hey.”

I force a smile and glance around. “Homecoming. It’s loud.”

She nods solemnly. “I think that’s the tagline they painted on the banners.”

“If not, it should be next year. I’ll let them have that creative nugget for free.”

“Very philanthropic of you.”

“You know me, always supporting education.” I miss a beat. “How have you been? We haven’t talked much lately.”

“Yeah, things have been crazy.” She looks down, fidgeting with the clutch purse she brought with her. “I’ve been good. How about you?”

“Pretty much the same. No period yet. I’m pretty sure it’s been 500 days, so…”

“Yikes.” Her gaze shifts to Hunter. “Have you told your baby daddy yet?”

I shake my head. I’m tempted to join her in looking at the handsome life-ruiner, but I don’t want him to catch me. “So, you rode here with them, right? How was that?”

“Good. Weird,” she says, frowning. “It’s like they’re adults. They had champagne in the limo. Champagne. And nobody said anything.”

I smile faintly. “I don’t think the standard rules apply to the beautiful and the privileged. Did Wally ride with them?”

Her face flushes and she nods, looking back at me. “He sat right by me.”

“No way,” I say, my eyes widening with excitement for her. I think he’s stupid, but she likes him, so I’m happy for her. Still a bit worried, but I don’t want to kill her buzz.

She grins and nods. “Yeah. He smells so good. How do boys smell so good?”

“Well, I’m glad you had fun.”

“I did,” she agrees. “There was almost a catfight, though. Valerie hasn’t spoken to Melanie Taggart since we got out of the limo.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Your baby daddy. Melanie sat on the other side of him and she had the audacity to touch his thigh. Valerie caught her, and she’s understandably more on edge about stuff like that since Hunter…” She stops, realizing what she’s about to say. “Well, since he slept with you.”

I attempt a smile, but it’s brittle. “Right.”

Sara shoots me an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

I shrug wordlessly and glance at Hunter over my shoulder. We’re standing behind him, so he doesn’t catch me.

“He doesn’t act like her boyfriend,” Sara blurts.

My gaze drifts back to Sara.

“He’s not affectionate with her at all,” she goes on, her voice low, but loud enough for me to hear. “He doesn’t kiss her or touch her. He seems completely disinterested in her. You see the dress she’s wearing tonight, right? He didn’t even check her out. I checked her out. Most boyfriends wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off their girlfriend in a dress like that, but Hunter seemed about as interested as he would’ve been if Wally wore it.”

As much as I appreciate what she’s trying to do, the last thing I want to do is talk about Hunter and Valerie. The fact that there is a Hunter and Valerie makes me want to puke.

I look up at Sara, intending to steer the conversation into gentler waters, but when I do, I can see I’ve lost her attention. Her gaze is fixed on a spot behind me with the dopey, semi-paralyzed look I only ever see on her face when she’s looking at Wally.

Then I hear his voice behind me. “Wanna dance?”

A helpless grin splits Sara’s face and she nods. “I’ll catch up with you later, Riley,” she says, walking toward him as if in a trance.

I back out of her way and offer a little smile. “All right. Have fun.”

I glance at Wally, hoping to see some indication of affection on his face. If he’s feeling anything but vague boredom, I can’t tell. It makes me nervous.

On instinct, I look back toward Valerie as Wally and Sara make their way to the dance floor.

She’s looking at me, too. With a smug little smile, she waves at me.

I roll my eyes and walk off.

Chapter Thirty Three


The student body is gathered around the stage as the principal dawdles, talking about our team’s victory against the rival school and a bunch of other crap no one cares about.

Well, all of it is probably crap some of them don’t care about, but even the ones who don’t care about homecoming court are probably impatient to get the music playing again, and that can’t happen until after these announcements.