If he goes to prison, who gets his house?

Or his money?

Or his cars?

I made a mental note to call an estate lawyer in the morning to try and get some of those details. Because if all of that fell to John and me for upkeep while my father rotted in prison, I had plenty of ideas regarding what to do with all of it.

To the benefits of the Red Thorns, of course.



I smiled as I fingered the soft bruise on my breast. The warm water felt amazing against my sore muscles, especially after a long night of rest. I hadn’t even felt Max get up this morning. I didn’t turn over until it was almost lunch time. And the first thing I wanted was a shower.

Especially after feeling my crusty thighs brush against one another.

My fingertips slipped across the small divots that still indented themselves into my skin. Max marking me was one of the hottest things he could ever do, and I wanted him to do it more often. From the tattoo to his teeth, I didn’t care what the mark was. I just wanted more of him on my body. I wanted the entire world to know that I was his, and he was mine.

“Knock knock.”

I smiled at the sound of his voice. “Come in, handsome.”

The bathroom door opened. “How’s it going in here?”

“I mean, it’s a bit lonely.”

He chuckled. “While I’d love to remedy that, John’s pulling me away to help him unload some furniture.”

“Furniture? What did he get?”

“Apparently, a new patio set. It’s pretty nice, too. It comes with one of those metal bonfire pits, too. We’ll definitely have to give that a whirl tonight.”

“Oh, a bonfire and drinks. That sounds like a good time.”

“Maybe cook some steaks and stuff over it?”

I smiled. “Sounds like a wonderful night. I’m in. You two need any help?”

He slipped the curtain back and I giggled. “Oh, no. You stay in here and rest, gorgeous. I’ll be back in about an hour.”

I leaned forward and kissed his nose. “I’ll be here, then.”

He captured my lips softly before moving the curtain back into its original place. And I decided to go ahead and wrap things up. Because if Max was going to be indisposed for an hour, then there was something I needed to do.

A phone call I needed to place.

I washed myself down and dried myself off. I slipped into one of Max’s T-shirts and slid a pair of his boot socks up my legs. With my hair damp and my breasts free from my bra, I went and stole myself a cup of coffee from the pot in the kitchen. And while I wanted to stand there and stare at a shirtless Max flexing his muscles as he hauled furniture, I knew I couldn't put this off a second longer.

So I made my way back into his bedroom and called my father.


The phone didn’t even ring once before he picked it up.

“Hey. It’s me.”

“My God. Danika. Are you all right? Is everything okay?”