“I don’t know, dude. The shaking of your hand doesn’t make me very confident.”

Max snickered. “You and me both, gorgeous.”

Benji roared. “Shut up and tell me what the fuck’s going on!”

I smiled. “Your loyal and stunning chief is lying in a hospital bed, safe and sound. While you’re out here doing all of his dirty work. Taking all of his bullets. It’s really a shame that you’re going to take the fall for him. But hey. You had it coming, you asshole.”

Benji’s eye twitched yet again. “I think I’m going to enjoy splattering your brains against the wall first, Bambi.”

And as his gun moved back to me, Max started yelling.

“Now! Now! Now! Now!”

Sirens wailed and lights flashed. I heard tires squealing in the parking lot as something crashed against metal outside. I smiled brightly at Benji as his suited men started yelling at one another, shouting commands and scrambling to get into places to defend themselves. Benji peered over his shoulder and Max took the opening. He wrestled with the lanky man, scrambling to get the gun out of his hand.

“Come on, you piece of shit,” Max growled.

Benji looked up at me. “You bitch!”

I giggled. “Don’t get all nasty because I outsmarted you, dickhole. Also, the police heard everything. They know you were sent to kill Max. And me. They know you had a hand in my kidnapping.”

Max grunted. “A little help here, gorgeous.”

He forced Benji’s hand to the floor and I saw him trying to pull the trigger. So I raised my boot and stomped down onto Benji’s wrist. He cried out in pain as police swarmed the motel room, and I kicked the gun into the bathroom.

“You want to know what they also know?” I asked.

Benji growled. “I’m going to kill you. I’m going to slaughter you all!”

I dipped down to meet his eyes. “They know you’re on Mr. Ryddle’s payroll. They know you’re his right hand man. Which means you’re going to jail for life, sweet cheeks. All because you put your trust in the wrong damn person.”

Benji spat at me. “If you think I can’t make moves from prison, you’re sorely mistaken.”

I bopped his nose. “I’ll be waiting then, Bambi.”

Max chuckled as he ripped Benji from the floor. He was flailing and bleeding and screaming and cursing. Making a massive scene as Max tossed him into the arms of the S.W.A.T. officers clearing the room. I watched the suited men get hauled out in handcuffs. I listened to them read Benji his rights as Max wrapped his arm around me. I wrapped my arms over my chest and tucked myself tightly against his body, seeking his comfort and his warmth as Benji slung insults and threats around.

“You stupid little asshole. I’m going to get you both. You mark my words and watch me! By the time I’m out of prison, the two of you will be dead, I tell you. Fucking dead!”

Max snickered. “Good luck with all that solitary confinement you’re racking up for yourself.”

Benji shrieked. “Fuck you! Ashton was going to kill John as well. He wanted you both dead. He knew you’d stand in his way when his business grew and other criminals started flocking here. He ordered the hits on you, Max. He orchestrated the attack outside the club when he hired you for security detail. Your client was supposed to get hit and his sons were supposed to come after y--”

Max shook his head. “Can you shut him up?”

The S.W.A.T. officer shrugged. “Why? We read him his rights and he’s feeding us more information. Far as we’re concerned, he’ll give us enough to go after your father as well.”

Benji started panicking. “Wait, what? No, no. I didn’t mean all of that. I mean, all I meant was--”

I clicked my tongue. “So which is it? Are you the mastermind? Or is Ashton?”

Benji tried spitting at me again. “I’d rather die than tell you any fucking thing, you piece of shit.”

Max tsked. “Such foul language from a college student. I mean, really, Dani. What is he thinking?”

I giggled. “I don’t know. But I like this hole he’s digging. Maybe he’ll get it all the way down to six feet before your father decides to off him in prison.”

The S.W.A.T. officer scolded us. “All right, you two. That’s enough. Don’t give us a reason to arrest you guys as well.”