“Yeah, really.”

“Take a look at the situation we’re in and answer that question yourself.”

He held his arms out for me. “Come here.”

I sighed. “I don’t wanna.”

He grinned. “Come here, gorgeous. Come on. You know you wanna.”


I walked to his towering form and felt his comforting arm blanket my body. I closed my eyes and drew in his scent, feeling my body meld against him. I sank into his muscles, letting him pull me close. He sat back down onto the bed, pulling me into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled his pelvis. As his hands ran up and down my back, he placed soft kisses against my temple.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” he murmured.

I sighed. “I wish I knew that for certain.”

“Well, I do. So trust me.”

“What if he really does kill you, Max?”

He scoffed. “Benji? Hell, no. That asshole had me tied to a chair and he didn’t do it. No way he’ll go through with it now.”

“I’m sorry I’m not any stronger than this.”

“Dani, look at me.”

My eyes found his. “Yeah?”

He gripped my chin. “You’ve been nothing but strong since this entire thing began. If there’s anyone in this situation that’s been strong, it’s you.”

I shook my head. “I don't feel that way.”

“Those who are truly strong usually don’t.”

I peeked over his shoulder at the digital clock. “How long do you think we’ll have to wait for him?”

His hands settled onto my hips. “Probably not more than an hour. Benji won’t let a minute go to waste. Especially if it means proving something to my father.”

“And if he consults your father before he comes?”

He barked with laughter. “Then my bet is on thirty minutes.”

I swatted at his chest. “That’s not funny.”

“I know it’s not funny. But the answer to your question is that we won’t be waiting very long, either way. Both of them are going to want to end this quickly. And while we’re out of town, to boot. It’s the perfect time for them to jump us. They won’t waste another second if they don’t have to.”

“I’m worried, Max.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “I know you are, gorgeous. I’m worried, too.”

“You are?”

He nodded. “Yep.”

“You don’t look nervous.”

He snickered. “I’ve had my entire life to perfect the art of never looking nervous. You’ve only been in this for a couple of months. Cut yourself some slack.”