

She smiled. “Good.”

I blinked. “What?”

She snickered. “Max, you know as well as I do that we’ll be harder to break if we stand together. And your father needs to know that he’s messing with the Red Thorns, not just Max Ryddle. Not just his son. As soon as he finds out you were released he’s going to take action. And we’re going to be there when that happens.”

I paused. “We?”

She nodded. “We’re in this together now. Whether you like that or not.”

She was remarkable. The most amazing woman I had ever come across in my life. And as I slipped my arm around her, I pulled her in for a kiss. I slid my tongue along the roof of her mouth and heard her helmet clatter to the cement. I nuzzled my nose against hers as one of my guys scooped it up, handing it back to me.

Then I gazed around at my guys and smiled.

“So, I’m going to need all of you to wait outside here. I need to use my house. Privately.”

Dani blushed as the guys revved their engines and pumped their fists in the air.

“Did you really have to announce it?” she said through her giggles.

I grinned. “Would you really have it any other way?”

She shook her head as I pulled her off my bike, helping to steady her on her feet. I hung my helmet on the handlebar of my bike, and together, we started into the house. I held her hand tightly as we walked inside. I wasted no time in leading her down the hallway. Into my bedroom we went, bypassing everything to get to the shower. I needed a fucking shower. As hot as I could stand it. I needed to feel clean again. I needed to wash that damn holding cell and all of the interrogations from my body. I needed to scrub until the memories were gone.

While holding Dani closely against me.



The steam of the shower filled the bathroom as I closed the door behind me. Max had been eager to run himself a hot one and get in. He moved like lightning. Hard to catch, hard to see. But the glimpses I caught were powerful and beautiful. I saw his shadowed form moving behind the curtain, and I drew in a deep breath as the sounds of the bikes on the front lawn quickly faded away. I kicked off my shoes and slipped out of my jacket. I heard him groaning with relief as I eased my shirt over my head. I smiled at how happy he sounded. How he hummed to himself and filled the bathroom with a smell I had quickly attributed to him.

Mint and oak.

“You coming, or what?”

I giggled. “You gonna be patient, or what?”

His head peeked out from beyond the curtain. “Get in here before I punish you for that sass.”

I winked. “And if I don’t?”

He growled playfully and I quickly shed the rest of my clothes. I hopped in with him, practically launching myself into his arms. The heat of the water battered against my back and I hissed. But I didn’t let it bother me. The only important thing was that I had him back. Max was back in my arms, and in this house, against my body. He was okay. He wasn’t hurt. He hadn’t been injured while in that holding cell.

That was all that mattered to me.

“I’m so happy you’re okay,” I whispered.

I looked up at him and found him staring at me.

“We’re not out of the woods yet. If anything, we’re standing at the edge of the forest now.”

I nodded. “I know. I know. I just…”

I ran my hands down his chiseled chest before I leaned my forehead against it. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close as my ear settled against his heartbeat. Well, near his heartbeat. Damn it, I was so much shorter than him. Still, though, I could hear it. Feel it. And the sound brought tears to my eyes.