She folded her hands together. “Either they charge you or they release you.”


“In cases like this, Max, it’s best not to let charges be laid. Okay?”

“Trust me, I got that much.”

She leaned in close. “And between you and me? I’m not a very expensive lawyer. I haven’t worked any big cases. I think that’s why I got the call to represent you. You know how I said this passed through many, many hands before it got to me?”

I furrowed my brow. “You think someone orchestrated that.”

She nodded. “I think they think I’m going to be easily bulldozed or manipulated. But, let me assure you, I have no intention of letting your father ruin your life over something you didn’t do. Okay?”

Relief washed over me. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

“Now. Let’s go over everything from the beginning. And don’t you dare leave a shred out from your point of view.”


She nodded. “Again.”

I leaned up as far as I could and rolled my shoulders back. I had a crick in my spine that felt like an air bubble pressing against my existence. I wanted to pop it so badly. I wanted to rid myself of it. And as I sat there, struggling, I felt my frustration mounting. I couldn't even pop my fucking back right in this position. I wanted nothing more than to simply stretch my hands over my head.

Prison is going to eat me alive.


My eyes whipped back to Miss Hall’s. “Sorry. Yeah.”

She poised her pen over an empty notebook. “I’m ready when you are.”

I drew in a deep breath and started from the beginning. Recounting everything to her that happened to me that night. From being kidnapped to being tied up in one of my father’s warehouses to being beaten by Benji and some goons. How I escaped, the car I used, the phone call I placed to Rupert. I left no detail out. And when I was done, half of Miss Hall’s notebook was filled with scribblings.

“All right. Ready for me to read it back to you?” she asked.

I quirked an eyebrow. “Do you really need to do that?”

She nodded. “This is your official record. I want to make sure it’s right. I’ll read it back, we’ll fix what we need to, and then you’ll sign it. And once it’s signed, there’s no going back on your word. Understood?”


“Good. Now, sit back and relax.”

I blinked. “You serious right now?”

She snickered. “Sorry about that. Force of habit.”

“Uh huh.”

She crossed her legs. “Ready to begin?”

I nodded. “Ready when you are.”

And as she started reading my words back to me, I stopped her to fill in the blanks. Give her more information as it came to me. Even if we had to sit here for the rest of the twenty-four hours, I didn’t give a shit. If this was what it took to get me out of here and back into the world, I’d do it. If this was what it took for me to get back to Dani, I’d do it. Time, and time, and time again.

Until we got it right.