“Answer my questions.”
“Try answering mine, and maybe I’ll trust you.”
He looked over at his nurse while I waited for my answer.
“You’re going to be fine, Miss Young. While the abrasions are concerning, no lasting damage will come of them. We also vacuumed out your lungs. You were under for so long that the water started seeping into the small caverns of your lungs that usually expand with air. The coughing was to try and get the water up, but all the coughing did was push the water further into those pockets.”
I paused. “Is that why I felt I had something lodged in my lungs?”
He nodded. “Correct. That’s also why we had to sedate you. That process is incredibly painful when performed without sedation. Judging by the abrasions around your extremities, I figured you’d been through enough tonight.”
“I appreciate that. Thank you.”
“It also took us a while to raise your body temperature. But you’re holding stable at 98.2 degrees. Which we’ll take, for now. Even though it’s still a tick below normal.”
“If it helps, I’m always cold.”
He sighed. “Forgive me if I don’t take your word for things.”
I snickered. “Fair enough.”
“Did this man hurt you?”
I shook my head. “If anything, he’s the one that saved me. He and Rupert--wait, is Rupert still here?”
“The redhead with the beanie?”
“That’s the one.”
He nodded. “He’s still here. He’s next door with Max. They’re waiting until I’m done talking with you.”
“Well, are we done talking?”
His eyes ran down
my body before he drew in a deep breath.
“I’m not leaving any of you alone until you’re fully discharged. I don’t like the injuries that man came in here with, either. And until I know the two of you are going to be safe with one another after leaving, you’ll be under my care. Understood?”
I paused. “Is that something you can do?”
He nodded. “I can keep you both here for up to three days, if I say the word. Don’t give me a reason to do that.”
“You really don’t believe me. That man out there would never hurt me. He loves me. And I love him.”
“And again, don’t blame me if I don’t take your word for it.”
I leaned back against my pillows. “Okay, then. Can I at least see him?”
He narrowed his eyes. “I’ll allow it. But mostly because he’s pestering my nurses and I’m fearing for his own safety at this point.”
I giggled. “Sounds like the man I love.”
He grinned. “I’ll get him in here. But you stay in this bed. Got it?”
I nodded. “Got it.”
The second Max’s face came around the corner, my heart surged with delight. I held my arms out for him and he strode to me, wrapping me up tight in his grasp. Someone had given him a shirt. I had to admit I was a bit disappointed. His muscles were always something to enjoy and admire every chance I got. Nonetheless, I placed my ear against his chest to hear his heart beat. I felt him cradle my head against him. And as he sat on the edge of my bed, I drew in a deep, relaxing breath.