He nodded. “Good. Rupert? One of the guys is asking for you. I think our first keg has gone to shit.”

Rupert held his finger in the air. “That’s my cue! I got it, John. Just have the second one ready to go so I can quickly hook it up.”

I furrowed my brow. “You guys need any help?”

John held up his hand. “No, no. We’ve got this. You just enjoy the evening.”

“This is Dani’s evening. Not mine.”

Rupert shrugged. “She’s your girl, right?”

I snickered. “Damn right.”

John smiled. “Then it’s your night, too. So stop being an asshole of a party pooper and get over there.”

Rupert and John walked away, leaving my eyes to travel back to Dani. The guys parted, giving me a clear shot of her smiling face. Her eyes met mine and they twinkled with delight. I hadn’t seen her this happy since the first time I told her I loved her. I wanted her to be this happy for the rest of her life. I made myself a solemn vow to make sure that smile never dropped from her face for too long.

Then she patted the couch cushion next to her. “You joining me, or what?” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, Max!”

“Your girl’s getting lonely!”

“You gonna leave her hangin’?”

I chuckled. “I’d never leave her hanging. Ever!”

And as the guys let out a raucous cheer, I took my rightful seat next to my queen.

Ready to enjoy the party before we had to get out of here in the morning.



I slid out of my new jacket. “Holy shit. What a night.”

Max closed the bedroom door. “I expected them to stay late, but not ‘three in the morning’ late.”

“You let John and Rupert know that’s what happens when they get three fucking kegs of beer.”

He snickered. “I’m sure they already know.”

“Are you sure those guys are going to be good to drive?”

“Trust me, it would take double the kegs to take them out for the night. They’re good, I promise.”

I nodded. “Okay. But I think you should keep your phone on for the night, just in case someone calls.”

His hands landed on my hips. “Already thinking like one of the team, huh?”

I giggled as his lips found my neck. I sighed as he walked us over to the bed, making me fall onto my stomach on the mattress. His hands slid down my arms, softly pinning my wrists to the bed. And as he kissed down the back of my neck, I shivered beneath his body.

“Max, I don’t think I have the energy tonight.”

He gave my butt a small smack. “I know, I know.”

I yawned. “I’m sorry. It’s just--”