I paused. “You’re kidding.”
Max grinned as he led me over to the wooden box. He flipped the tinted glass lid open and reached into the dark cavern. I froze in my spot the second he pulled it out. My hands flew to my mouth as tears rushed my eyes. As he held up the pristine leather jacket tailored specifically to my size, he flipped it around to show me the emblem on the back.
The Red Thorns crest, emblazoned in ruby reds and stitched together in gold.
“My God,” I whispered.
Max handed it to me. “Take it. Put it on.”
I took it slowly from his hand and ran the leather through my fingers. How could something so durable feel so soft to the touch? I blinked back my tears and ran my fingertips along the shining silver zipper. The porch lights caught the patchwork on the front of the jacket, making the entire thing shine as bright as the sun.
“Come on. Let’s get this thing on you,” he said.
Max helped me slip into the jacket and I zipped it up. I held my arms out, giving the guys a little twirl as they nodded their heads and murmured among themselves. Then, after I stopped, I looked each and every one of them in the eyes.
“Thank you. Every single one of you. For making me feel like I finally have a home.”
The men raised their hands over their heads and clapped. A few of them put their fingers in their mouths and whistled. I blushed as Max wrapped his arms around me, bringing me in for a solid kiss. And the second our lips connected, the thundering sound of boots stomping against the floor filled the space around us.
“Welcome to the crew,” Max murmured against my lips.
And as I clung tightly to his own leather jacket, I felt the rest of my future slowly slip into place.
Rupert and John went all out for this thing. There were beers for everyone and a bottle of wine specifically for Dani. There was pizza and wings and all sorts of dipping sauces. Bones were being tossed into any cup or holding container around just to keep them off the floor. Music thumped and the guys took Dani out to their bikes to show off their own components. Their own designs. The individual ways they distinguished their bikes from everyone else’s.
And through it all, my chest swelled with pride.
The guys accepted her into the fold like family. They gathered around her while she told stories. They roared with laughter whenever she poked fun at me. She made small talk with everyone and genuinely listened to them. Something I knew the crew would come to love sooner rather than later. I stood back and watched as every man fought for a chance to speak with her. To pick her mind and ask her questions and tell her stories of their own families.
It filled me with pride that she was my woman.
My future looks very bright right now.
It was the first time those words had ever crossed my mind. And it was all thanks to Dani. Had it not been for our chance encounters, I’d still be doing my father’s bidding. Still running around behind him, begging for jobs. And while I knew getting our crew up and running in a different direction would take time, I also knew Dani was imperative in that switch.
She was imperative in the direction I wanted to take the Red Thorns.
Rupert nudged my ribs. “The hell are you thinking about over here, with that cheesy grin of yours?”
I snickered. “Look at how comfortable she is.”
He gazed out over the crowd. “You good with that many guys around her? Because I’m not sure I would be.”
“She saved them. She saved all of us. I figure one night for them to talk with their newest member before I start barging in is warranted.”
“But you’ll be keeping a strong eye on her, right?”
I chuckled. “That woman isn’t leaving my sight.”
He patted my shoulder. “There’s the Max I know.”
I paused. “She really fits in, doesn’t she?”
“Fits in? She could damn near run this crew, if you weren’t the president.”