She nodded. “Okay. I will.”

I squeezed her shoulders before we walked back into the dorm room. This place felt foreign to me now. It felt like years had passed since I had been here. Or on campus. My eyes flitted around Hannah’s side of the bedroom. All of her brightly-colored posters and her pristine bed. Her organized desk and her books all lined up in a row on a small shelf above her head. Even her closet was color-coordinated. Something I had envied for the longest time.

Not anymore, though.

I didn’t envy a single thing Hannah had in her life now.

“Want some coffee?” she asked.

I grinned. “Got any of that hot honey left?”

“You know I do. You’ve hooked me on to this stuff for good.”

I smiled. “Sounds like my work here is done, then.”

She paused. “That doesn’t sound good.”

I sighed. “You might not like what I have to say. But I hope you’ll let me say it, at least.”

She poured me some coffee. “Of course.”

We eventually sat on her bed with our hot honey coffees and sipped them quietly. It gave me time to organize my thoughts into the most succinct story possible. Because I knew she wouldn't handle the details well, nor would she let me talk for long before she started asking asinine questions. So I did the best I could and drew in a deep breath.

“I want to start off by saying that I’m sorry for the position I put you in.”

Hannah looked over at me. “Hearing that means a lot to me. Thank you, Dani.”

“But you also need to know that I don’t regret my choices.”

“I figured as much.”

“I still would’ve made the same choices, even though I’m sorry that they hurt you as much as they did. Because lives were at stake with my actions. And I couldn't let that slide.”

She turned to face me. “What happened, Dani? Tell me, please.”

I nibbled on my lower lip. “I need you to know before I start that nothing has changed between Max and me. I’m still with him, and I still love him.”

She took my hand. “What. Happened?”

“I need you to know that you hear me.”

“I hear you, Dani. And just know that I should have listened to you. I understand that. I shouldn’t have gotten your parents involved, especially since you seemed so confident in your actions. I was scared for you. I was scared for my friend. And maybe a bit jealous in the process.”

I paused. “Jealous?”

“Yeah! I mean, look at you. Living this exciting life. Going with your gut. Tossing everything aside for something that feels good. I mean, look around you. Do I look like the kind of person that lives their life like that?”

I giggled. “No. Not at all.”

“So, yeah. Maybe I was a bit jealous. And very worried. But I mainly didn’t want you getting hurt.”

I squeezed her hand. “I know, Hannah.”

“Whenever you’re ready with this story, I’m ready to listen.”

“Well, don’t be offended, but I’m just going to give you the short version. Because it’s complicated. And involved.”

“Whatever you’re willing to tell me, I’m here for you.”