“Understatement of the year.”
I opened the front door for John. “Yeah, but it doesn't diminish the pain this is putting her in.”
“Let her know I’ll be supporting her in spirit. And you.”
“Thanks. I’ll definitely let her know.”
And as Rupert wrapped around to pick us up, I turned back toward the hospital. I gazed up to the top floor, where my father was surely still yelling up a storm. I gave him one last thought. One last silent prayer. Then I hopped into the truck.
“So! How did things go?” Rupert asked.
John looked at me. “Let’s just say Max said what he needed to say, and I did what I needed to do.”
I snorted. “You can say that again.”
Rupert pulled away from the curb. “Got time for a beer and stories? Because now you’ve got me curious.”
John shrugged. “I’m down if Max is down.”
Rupert looked at me in the rearview mirror. “Max?”
I looked at the clock. “Sure, why not? I’ve got an hour or so before we need to really head back.”
I knocked on my dorm room door, wary of what to expect. The last thing I wanted to do was fight with yet another person. I mean, I got it. People didn’t understand the lifestyle I had chosen for myself. But I was growing very tired of people simply asserting themselves over my personal will. As if I were incapable of making decisions for myself.
But it didn’t stop me from knocking on the door.
I didn’t feel like I had the right to barge in. Especially since this was about to be ‘just Hannah’s’ room. I knew Max wanted what was best for me. I knew he was simply looking out for me. But school wasn’t what I wanted with my life. Not right now, anyway. Maybe in a few years, when I’d lived a little bit and really explored all of my options, I would. But I was a year and some change into college, and I still had no idea what I wanted to do with the r
est of my life.
And nothing changed that fact.
I heard Hannah’s groggy voice on the other side of the door. “Hello?”
I sighed. “It’s me, Hannah. Can I come in?”
The door ripped open and she moved so quickly she was only a blur of blond. I felt arms gripping my neck as she slammed into me, almost knocking me off my feet. I grunted as she kissed my cheek over and over. As if I had been gone on some sort of sabbatical for years and years.
“You have no idea how glad I am to see you, Dani.”
I pressed her out in front of me. “Is it okay if I come in?”
“Does this mean we finally get to talk? Will you finally tell me what in the world is going on? Because the last time I talked to your parents--”
I held up my finger. “First rule if we’re going to go forward from this.”
She nodded. “I’m listening.”
“Lose my parents’ numbers.”
“When you don’t pick up the phone--”
“Lose them. I’m serious.”