“Oh, oh, oh. Just one more thing,” I said.
Cap turned her back to us. “Don’t worry. Your friend Rupert will be released as soon as I get back to the precinct. So if there’s nothing else...”
I shook my head. “Nope. Definitely not anything else.”
Cap peered over her shoulder, looking at us through the visor of her helmet. Had I been able to see her face, I knew she’d be smirking underneath that thing. It looked positively badass. She put her hand in the air and waved at us as she walked out of the busted motel room, her shoulders squared off strong and her stride filled with confidence. I led Dani over to the door as we stood there, watching her climb into the passenger’s seat of the massive S.W.A.T. battering ram they called a vehicle.
Then they backed up and drove away.
Leaving us alone with all the carnage.
Dani sighed heavily. “Holy shit.”
I let out the breath I had been holding. “You got that right.”
“So do we head back to your place? Do we get another room? What do you want to do?”
I grinned. “You mean you don’t want to stay in this room for the night? I mean, it’s already booked and paid for.”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
I threw my head back with laughter. “Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t assuming something I shouldn't have.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just like living on the edge, you weirdo.”
“Hey, you’re the one still here, helping me out with all this shit.”
She scoffed. “What do you mean, helping? This entire damn thing wa
s my idea.”
I rolled my eyes. “And I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Not if you want to get laid, you won’t.”
“Ugh. You drive a hard bargain.”
“Takes a hard one to give a hard one.”
The bark of my laughter filled the room as Dani’s giggles soared on the foundation I provided for her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. What an insane human being she turned out to be. And she was damn near perfect.
No, she is perfect.
I kissed the top of her head before I released her. I walked over to my small suitcase in the corner and picked it up. Dani dug through the mire and the chaos of the motel room until she found her bag of belongings. Then together we headed out to the truck.
Dani tossed her bag into the back seat. “Is it bad of me to think that I’m still shocked this all went off without a hitch?”
I tossed mine on top of hers. “Nope. Because I was just thinking the exact same thing.”
“How many times do you think we do that during the day?”
“Do what?”
“Have the same thoughts.”
I climbed into the driver’s seat. “I don’t know. I’d imagine more times than we figure. Why?”
She climbed in next to me. “Care to figure out what’s on my mind now?”