I held up my hands. “I’m as innocent as they come.”

Max muttered under his breath, “Over my dead body.”

I nudged him playfully as another S.W.A.T. officer rushed into the room. She pulled off her helmet and stared at Benji, her nose softly wrinkled. The look in her eyes said, Really? This is him? But the stance of her body said, Come at me and you’re dead.’ Then she turned and locked her eyes with mine.

“Well done,” the police captain said. “I have to admit, I’m not sure my people could’ve pulled that off better than you two.”

I nodded. “Anything to help the department. I’m assuming this means Max is off the hook?”

Max butted in. “And Rupert?”

The captain nodded. “Once we get this man booked and in a holding cell, your friend will be released. It’s more precautionary than anything else. We want to make sure there’s absolutely no threat before we release him. And once we do, we’ll provide a police escort back to his place.”

I grinned. “You don’t have to bother with that. We’ve got thirty-four men ready to escort him back to his place.”

Max pulled me tightly against his body. “Thank you for the offer, though, Captain.”

She nodded. “The offer’s there should you change your mind. Now, time to take out the trash.”

I saw Benji’s eyes grow wide and I had to stifle a laugh. Man, he looked absolutely ridiculous. Leading this kind of lifestyle, yet not ready for the consequences of his actions. His glare quickly turned into a look of panic, and I couldn't help the words that fell from my mouth.

“What’s the matter, sweet cheeks? You look like a deer in headlights.”

Max chuckled. “Yeah, Bambi.”

I nudged him. “Hey, I kind of still like that name. Let’s not try to taint it too much.”

He winked at me. “Whatever you want, gorgeous.”

Benji struggled against the officers as they hauled him out of the motel room. I watched him peer over his shoulder with one last glare before they turned the corner and fell out of sight. I peeked out the door and finally saw what made such a booming crash. And as giggles fell from my lips, Max joined me with his own chuckles.

The massive S.W.A.T. vehicle had slammed straight into the black SUV that hauled those men here in the first place.

“I suppose that’s one way to get the job done,” I murmured.

Max rubbed my back. “You were amazing. You know that, right?”

I looked up at him. “I’m amazing because you believe I am. Without you, though--”

He fisted my hair. “Don’t you even say it. You know damn good and well this was your plan. I helped with the bare bones, and you filled in the details. Without you, this wouldn't have happened.”

“Thanks, handsome.”

“Great stalling tactic, by the way. I approve.”

“I figured you’d like it.”

“How did you know we needed more time, though?”

I nodded into the bathroom. “I kept hearing someone on the other side drumming their fingers against the wall. And when the drumming stopped, I figured we were okay at that point.”

“How did I not hear the drumming?”

I reached up, stroking the shell of his ear. “Guess you’ve heard one too many loud booms in your lifetime.”

He snickered. “You’re damn right about that.”

With Max guiding me along, we walked over to the window and pulled back the blinds. With my head leaning against his chest, I watched as the captain stuffed Benji into the back of a cop cruiser. The three suited men were driven off into the night with sirens blaring and lights flashing every which direction. I watched the S.W.A.T. team speaking with other police officers before everyone parted ways. As the cars all cleared out, the captain turned back to face us.