“Humor me for a second. Remember back when I was in middle school? When a slot on the History Debate Team came open my seventh grade year?”

He paused. “I do.”

“You remember how hard Mom tried to get me to join?”

He sighed. “Dani, that was--”

“Do you remember, Dad?”

“Yes, I remember. And I know where you’re going with this.”

“Good. Then this will cut the conversation short. I told Mom I didn’t want to do it, and she threw a fit. Got you involved. And the two of you sat me down and essentially told me I’d regret not doing the History Debate Team. That I was too young to understand the consequences of my decisions, and that you had already called the principal of my school to let him know I’d be trying out. Remember that?”

“Dani, please. It was only one time.”

“And sometimes, Dad, once is all it takes. One lesson being learned at the exact right moment is all it takes for something to really stick. And that stuck with me, Dad. You and Mom completely disregarded what I wanted for my life at that moment and you used the age excuse with me then. Just like you are now. I’m not going to let you get away with it. This is my life, which means these are my decisions.”

“I can’t fight with you anymore. Just please, tell me where you are.”

I shook my head. “I love you guys, but I have to go.”

“Dani, plea--”

I hung up the phone before flipping it over. I slid the battery pack out and placed the pieces back onto the bedside table. I didn’t want to take any chance that my parents might actually get so desperate as to have someone track my damn cell phone. At this point, I couldn’t put anything past them. My heart felt heavy. My soul felt as if it were still being weighed down in that pool by that chair. I looked down at the clothes I’d fallen asleep in and took stock of how wrinkly they were. So I decided to exchange my shirt for one of Max’s.

Before following the smells of coffee into the kitchen.

I felt all eyes on me as I schlepped into the room. I made my way to the coffee pot and plucked a mug from the cabinet. I picked up a piece of toast and shoved it into my mouth. Some of the other crew members were lined up against the walls with their eyes facing the table. That meant they were talking. Deliberating. Trying to figure out the kinks to this plan. And as I carried my coffee to sit next to Max, I draped an arm around his shoulders.

“So! Is everyone on board, handsome?”

John paused. “Wait, she knows?”

I sipped my coffee. “I’m actually kind of hurt you think I’m not in the know, John.”

Max chuckled. “She knows, yes.”

I kissed the top of Max’s head. “Didn’t answer my question, though.”

I gazed into the eyes of every man lining the walls of the kitchen before I sat next to the love of my life.

“Is everyone on board?” I asked.





“Fuck, come on.”

“Ergh, shit!”

I took the bag from Dani’s hands. “Take a breather, gorgeous. I’ve got it.”

She took it back from me. “I’m not a child. I’ve got this.”