He snickered. “I’m very familiar with those kinds of people.”
I cut the engine. “I want you to know that I hear what you’re saying. It’s just that, right now, I’m in prioritization mode. And the priority right now is Max and this crew. Everything is in upheaval. It needs to settle first.”
“What about your classes?”
I shrugged. “What about them?”
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me school isn’t important to you any longer. I mean, you packed your books, for crying out loud. What are you going to do?”
I sighed. “Email my professors. Tell them I’ve had a family emergency. See what I can work out with them. But even if I have to repeat my semester, it’ll be worth it if Max and the guys come out of this okay.”
He nodded. “So long as you know what you’re doing and that what you’re doing comes with consequences.”
I snickered. “Yeah, thanks. But I’m well-versed in how this works by now.”
He chuckled. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
The two of us shared a small moment of laughter before he opened the door.
“Now, come on, Bambi. Let’s get you inside. That’s what they call you, right?”
I giggled. “You can call me whatever you want, John.”
He reached for my bag. “Sounds like a plan, Stan.”
I paused. “You’re not really going to call me Stan, are you?”
He grinned. “Guess you’ll just have to wait to find out.”
The slamming of the bar doors jostled me awake. My wrists throbbed with pain and my head felt like it had been leaning against a brick wall this entire time.
Because it has been, idiot.
I groaned as I sat upright. I tried to blink away the sleep as I heard bootsteps coming for me. I cracked my neck and stood up. I felt the officer’s hand come down against my arm before he twisted it around my back. Fucking hell, I wasn’t sure my wrists could take anymore handcuffs.
Definitely got more respect for women who bust those out for their men.
Without a word spoken, the officer led me out of the holding tank. I walked in a mindless haze as he shoved me into yet another private room. I looked up at the cameras as I flopped down into the chair. I went along with the motions as he uncuffed me, only to re-cuff me to the table. I placed my forearms against the cold metal and leaned my head against my tired muscles. I missed my bed. I missed John’s coffee. I missed my house and my men and my bike.
And my woman.
“Mr. Ryddle.”
Miss Hall’s voice made me raise my head. “I was wondering who summoned me in here.”
She furrowed her brow. “Who did you think it would be?”
“For starters? The cop who had me in here yesterday before he yelled at me and threatened me with a good time.”
She paused. “Who did that to you?”
I shook my head. “Don’t worry about--”
She dropped her briefcase from her hand. “Who did that to you, Max? You’re my client, and that’s illegal.”