“Just go, Dani.”
I took things slowly, but it made for smoother driving. I had practically memorized how to get to their place, so it required very little input from John in terms of getting us back. He lay back with his eyes closed, but I saw his legs jumping. The pain must be working its way down his body, and it broke my heart.
How could this possibly get any worse?
“You know, you’re more than welcome to stay at the house. If you want.”
John’s voice caught my ear. “That might be a good idea. Especially with Benji still out there and all.”
“Do you need anything from your dorm?”
I paused. “Honestly? I’m not sure. I packed everything up and tossed it into my car, but for all I know it might not be there any longer.”
“We should go back and get you a few things, then. Just in case.”
I peered over at him. “I’m going to have to pull a U-turn, and it’ll keep you away from your meds longer.”
“You staying at the house?”
I paused. “I think it’s best, yeah.”
“Then get this over with and let’s get to campus first. I’ll accompany you upstairs just in case something happens.”
I didn’t like the plan, but I wasn’t in a position to fight with him. So I eased the car around as softly as I could, growing more comfortable with the stick shift and the gears, and soon we were smoothly sailing toward my dorm room. Part of me just wanted to go back to the house. Even if my stuff had been stolen and this was the only outfit I had, it was better than what faced me on campus. Missed classes. Dropping grades. Possibly running into Benji.
“Oh second thought, maybe we should--”
John interrupted me. “You need clothes. I guarantee you that you’ve missed something you’ll need in the heat of the moment when it came to packing up your stuff. Let’s go back and give your room a good once over. Because once you’re at the house, you’re staying there until this is all settled. Understood?”
I nodded. “Fine by me.”
I pulled the car up to the curb just outside my dorm room. I gazed up toward the window, watching the curtain already fluttering. Great. Hannah had already spotted me. Absolutely wonderful. I heard John’s car door open before he gathered his cane, so I cut the engine of the car.
And together, we started toward the building.
I was glad for John’s company, though it made me feel guilty to hear him stifling his grunts beside me. I kept stealing glances at him, and it seemed that every time I looked at him his limp got worse. I wanted to tell him to go back and wait for me in the car, but I knew he wouldn't listen. So as we rose up the elevator, I drew in deep breaths to settle my nerves.
“You good?” he asked.
I sighed. “Just nervous about seeing my roommate again.”
“You two have a blowout or something?”
I snickered. “Or something.”
The doors eased open at the top floor and I saw Hannah at the end of the hallway, standing by our front door. She gasped before she took off running toward me as I stepped off the elevator. John placed his hand against my back and I felt him gird me with his arm. As Hannah leapt at me, her arms wrapping around my neck, I felt her sobbing against my shoulder.
“My gosh, I was so worried about you, Dani.”
And it took all I had not to push her away and brush past.
The walls of this damn holding cell were beginning to close in on me. I felt like I was going crazy. I felt like weeks had passed since I’d seen the outside world. When, in reality, Dani had only left me a few hours ago. I stretched my arms over my head and felt my back pop into place. I cracked my neck, feeling people staring me down in their drunken, stumbling states. Most of the people that came and went from the holding cell were nothing more than drunkards from the side of the road. There had been a couple of questionable-looking women in a profession I could only proclaim as ‘salacious’ that got locked in the holding cell next to us. And as their eyes raked over my body, their cat-calling started.