opened my door. “What do you mean?”
He sighed. “I mean, I was arrested last night. Most of us were. But, the police don’t have anything to hold me on. So I was released pretty soon after that. I’m sure they’ll do their damndest to find something to pin on me, but in the meantime, I’ll be working hard to get Max out of there. He’s going to need all the help we can get, especially if we’re going to piece the Red Thorns back together.”
I blinked. “Were all of you arrested last night?”
He dipped down into the car. “Come on. We’re burning daylight.”
I didn’t like the way he evaded my question. And I certainly didn’t like the way he was fumbling with the keys to his car. His hand shook terribly, and when I gazed into his eyes I saw nothing but pain.
He grunted. “Yep.”
“Are you okay?”
He finally got the key into the ignition. “Yep. I just gotta--mmph.”
I furrowed my brow. “What was that?”
I watched his back jump a bit before he groaned again.
“John, I think I should drive.”
He shook his head. “I’ve got it.”
I placed my hand over his wrist. “Please, John.”
He sighed. “How the hell did things get so fucked up, Dani?”
I shook my head. “I don’t know. I really don’t.”
I wasn’t sure how long we sat there with John groaning and grunting in pain. It almost seemed like his back was spasming. His eyes grew unfocused. I saw the same kind of storm I felt inside of me rip-roaring behind his eyes. I smoothed my hand up and down his arm, hoping to coax him into letting me drive.
Then, finally, he looked over at me. “You drive standard?”
I nodded. “I can, yes. My father taught me when I was in high school.”
“Good. You’re driving. Come over here and help me out.”
I scrambled out of the car and helped John to his feet. He was in obvious pain, and I wanted to get him home as quickly as possible. I walked him around the car and helped him sit down in the passenger’s seat. Then, I rushed back around and practically threw myself into the seat.
“Ready?” I asked.
John eased himself back. “Whenever you are.”
“I’ll try to make this drive as smooth as possible.”
“Just get us home. I need my--rah!--pain meds.”
I cranked up the engine and sniffled for the last time. I eased us out of the parking space, but fucked things up trying to shift into first. The car jerked, causing John to yell out in pain. And as tears flooded my eyes again, I cranked the engine once more.
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.
John gritted his teeth. “Just get us out of here. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got your car at my house.”
“Wait, what?”