He pointed his finger at me. “I don’t know who you are or who you think you’re bossing around, but the second you stepped through those emergency doors, she and you became my priority. Make no mistake. I will have you bussed to a different hospital if you’re going to stand in my way and refuse treatment when you so clearly need it. Got it?”
I choked down the want to make this man swallow his own fucking teeth.
“Yeah. Got it.”
Rupert ran up behind me, panting. “Where is she? Where’s Bambi?”
The doctor furrowed his brow. “Bambi?”
I sighed. “Nickname for the girl you just took back.”
The doctor nodded. “You got her real name?”
My face fell flat. “Dani Young.”
Rupert interjected. “Hi. Yes. Where is she? I’d like to see her.”
I licked my lips. “We both would.”
The doctor held his head high. “Do you consent to being treated? And acting accordingly in the presence of staff?”
I looked around at the nurses surrounding me. They were ready, willing, and capable of doing whatever it took to make sure I was all right. I needed to not be so angry. Why the fuck was I so angry?
“Put me beside her, and yes,” I said.
The doctor nodded curtly. “Good. Follow me.”
He and his team of nurses led us through the metal double doors. The second we turned down an isolated hallway, I heard that cough. Dani’s barking, wet, incessant cough.
“Has she been coughing like that ever since you pulled her out?”
Worry grew in my gut. “Yes. It took several rounds of CPR to bring her back. And ever since, she’s been barking like that and coughing shit up.”
“Anything other than water?”
“Contents from her stomach. It’s triggering her gag reflex.”
The doctor pointed. “You’ll be in this room. I want you hooked up to an IV and--”
I shook my head. “I want to see Dani first.”
He spun around on me. “You do as I ask, or you’re gone. Get in there and let my team of nurses get you started on some fluids and a round of pain medication. You’re going to need it for when we start patching you up.”
Rupert placed his hand on my shoulder. “Just do as they’re asking. Okay?”
I shrugged his touch off. “Fine. Whatever.”
A nurse led me into the room right next to Dani’s before sitting me on the edge of the bed. She set the I.V. and got me started on pain medication. But I was focused on the coughing coming from the room beside me. I not only felt helpless; I also felt hopeless. And the more she coughed, the more I wondered if she’d actually pull out of this.
I wondered if any of us would be okay after this.
I couldn't remember much. After sedation, the only thing I recalled was waking up and asking for Max. I kept reaching out for his hand, searching the room for him. Trying to get him to call out to me. But the only response I ever got was from the doctor.
“He’s being checked out. We’ll get him in here soon.”