He patted my back. “I’ll come find you guys.”

I wasted no time charging through the doors of that emergency room.

“I need a doctor! Now!”

Everyone turned their heads to face me before a nurse jumped up from behind a desk.

“I need a doctor, a mobile bed, and some fucking answers!”

Staff converged onto me and someone took Dani from my arms. I balled up my fists, ready for a fight as I felt nurses’ hands all over my torso. Someone shone a light into my eyes as Dani was placed on a moving bed and rushed off through a set of metal double doors as nurses poked and prodded at my body.

“He’s got broken ribs.”

“His nose looks crushed, too.”

“We need to get the swelling down in that eye. He’ll lose his sight if we don’t.”

I shook them off. “Dani! I’m coming!”

Someone grabbed my arm. “You need medical treatment, too.”

I whipped around on the nurse before a man in a white coat came trotting up with a wheelchair. I looked at the pathetic device before glaring at the people standing in front of me.

I thumbed over my shoulder. “I’m not the one that needs help. She is.”

The doctor nodded his head. “You need attention, too. She’s being taken care of. Let us take you back and--”

I shook my head. “The only thing you need to do right now is tell me where the fuck you’ve taken my girl.”

“Sir, if you don’t calm down, I’m going to have to sedate you.”

I turned toward the voice and saw her holding a needle in her hand. I ripped it from her grasp and tossed it back to the doctor, who fumbled around with it. After catching it in his hands, needle point down, his eyes slowly came back up to mine.

“Tell me where she is. Now.”

He sighed. “What happened to you two tonight? I need to know everything I can in order to help her.”

“She was submerged underwater for over two minutes. I don’t know how long she was unconscious before I pulled her from the pool.”

“Chlorine, or salt water?”

I sighed. “Chlorine.”

The doctor shook his head. “Did she suffer any trauma before that? A head injury? A punch to the gut or the chest? Anything that could’ve knocked her out or knocked her breathless before she went under?”

“She told me nothing like that happened.”

“How did the drowning occur?”

I blinked. “She got herself hooked onto a chair that tipped backwards and she couldn't get herself free.”

“And you’re the one that found her?”


His eyes ran down my body. “Nurse, get him a bed next to her room.”

I growled. “I told you, I don’t need--”