
Dani pointed to my water. “Drink. Please. You need to hydrate.”

I reached for my glass. “As you wish, gorgeous.”

I winked at her and watched her blush as Rupert chuckled.

“To what do we owe this feast?” John finally asked.

Dani shrugged. “I don’t know. No reason, really. I got up around seven and decided Max might be hungry once he woke up. I was certainly hungry. And if I was cooking for us, it seemed rude not to cook for everyone else. Though, Rupert, you should have someone check out that snoring issue. You were pulling the curtains in from the other side of the house.”

My eyes widened as John practically choked on his food. He barely got it down before he started laughing, and I couldn't help but join in. Dani shrugged and went back to eating her food while Rupert’s jaw swung against the table.

“Did you guys hear what she just said to me!?” he exclaimed.

Dani nodded. “They did. But it’s true. You should have a doctor look at that. Not good for a man your age.”

John roared with laughter and I had tears springing to my eyes.

“I told you!” I managed to say.

John pointed at him. “We fucking told you that you snore like a damn chorus of chainsaws.”

Dani cocked her head. “I thought it sounded more like a wood chipper. You know, he’s got those little breaks in it. Like this.”

She tried to mimic the sound of his snoring and I couldn't take it. I wiped the tears away from my eyes as Rupert sat there, angrily stuffing his face with food. That’s how good Dani’s food was. No one wanted to stop eating it. They just wanted to experience whatever emotions they felt while eating it.

“You guys are asshats.”

Dani playfully gasped. “Why, I never in a million years thought I’d hear some old crotchety bastard say such awful things.”

“Oh my God!” John bellowed.

I bent over and let my forehead rest against the table. The la

ughter was killing me. I needed water, but I couldn't drink it. I needed food, but I couldn't eat it. I felt Dani slip her foot beside mine beneath the table and it shot chills up and down my leg. And after we were all finally done laughing, even Rupert was chuckling along with us.

“You’ve got spunk. I see why Max likes you,” he said.

I eyed him carefully. “Down, boy.”

Rupert held up his hands. “What? Just stating the obvious.”

Dani smiled. “I like you guys anyway. You’re nice company. And I like cooking for people, so I’m glad you’re enjoying the food.”

“It’s great,” John said with his mouth full.

Before he went back in for a second plate.

I couldn't believe how seamlessly Dani fit in with the two most important people in my life. We did more laughing at the breakfast table than anything else, and it felt fantastic. It was absolutely what I needed, and I felt refreshed after it was all said and done. We cleared out any hope of having leftovers. I drank more water than I could possibly stand. And I even managed to top it all off with a wonderful cup of John’s coffee.

“So, Bambi.”

“Yes, Rupe?”

Rupert snickered. “Nice nickname. Anyway, what made you stop by last night?”

John put his silverware down. “Yeah, I’d like to know that, too. Just a surprise for Max, or something?”