Mom sighed. “It’s also not the point to stress yourself out to the point of not enjoying anything.”

I licked my lips. “I can leave you two alone, if you want me to.”

Dad chuckled. “Not necessary. We just wanted to call and see how school’s treating you.”

I lied through my teeth. “Oh, everything’s fine. Like I said, just this dumb paper that’s been plaguing me, but I’m almost done with it anyway.”

Mom snickered. “That’s my girl. Make sure to treat yourself tonight before you go to bed. You deserve it.”

“Oh! Before you go, get this. One of your mother’s friends has a son who just came back from two years travelling abroad.”

I nodded mindlessly. “That’s nice.”

“And he’s such a nice boy. Very respectful. Cute, too. Your father wasn’t happy with me--”

“Eh, I suppose he could be a worse kid.”

Mom laughed. “But I took the liberty of passing on your number.”

I blinked. “Wait, what?”

Mom sighed. “I know, I know. I got a bit hasty. But he really is a good kid. And he doesn't live far from your campus! He told me he’d call you sometime soon and ask you to dinner or a movie or something like that. Isn’t that nice?”

Dad butted in. “And I approve, too. So no using me to wiggle out of this. It’s good for you to get out and live a little. You can’t stay cooped up in your dorm room all the time.”

My heart thundered in my chest. “You gave out my number?”

The delight in Mom’s voice made me confused. “Oh, you’re going to adore him. Ask him about his adventures. I’m sure he’s got so many stories to tell.”

“As well as a future in acupuncture. Don’t forget about that.”

I paused. “Acupuncture?”

Mom clapped her hands. “Yes! He’s very well studied. His name is Kline. He’s not quite thirty yet. Just turned twenty-nine. And he’s got that nice dark hair I know you like. Please tell me you’ll say yes if he calls.”

What the fuck? “Mom, I don’t know. I’m--I’m pretty busy with school. I don’t really want to see someone right now, because I’m just getting into my core classes. It’s just a bit much to juggle right now.”

Dad snickered. “Oh, come on, you party pooper. Even I’m on board

with this one, and that’s saying something. Just one date. Coffee. You can squeeze in coffee, I’m sure.”

I sighed. “I’ll think about it. How does that sound?”

Mom clicked her tongue. “Well, it’s not a no. I’ll take it. For now.”

“But princess, if he calls and you get a weird vibe--or you meet and you don’t feel comfortable--just leave. Or hang up. No harm done.”

“He’s not going to be like that. I promise. You trust me, right?”

Uh… “I mean, you did marry Dad.”

He snickered. “Awww, thanks, princess.”

“Exactly. Just give it a shot. Or at least consider it. Have a few conversations with him. Get out and spread those wings of yours. Make a few memories. You're in college. And while we’re both proud of you, we also don’t want you to miss out on all the fun things college has to offer.”

“Just--not too much fun. Dad’s rules.”

Could this call get any worse? “Not too much fun. Got it. You guys, I really have to get back to this paper. I’m so sorry.”