He’s got a nice laugh.

I felt groggy. But, more than that, I felt cornered. On the one hand, this was what I wanted, right? A nice man. A nice husband. A clean-cut house in the suburbs. A pearl white SUV for me to drive our three kids around in. He fit perfectly into my future plans.


Max was everything I didn’t know I needed. And I was already too deep into him to start back-peddling now. Maybe in another life, I would’ve considered saying yes. Maybe, had he come along a bit sooner, I would’ve gone out to coffee with him. But I loved Max. And there was no turning my back on that. I gave Max my word, and that meant something to me.

“I’m sorry, Kline. My mother can be very pushy at times, and she kind of gets ahead of herself when she sees something she wants. I’m actually seeing someone currently. And I don’t think it’s fair to him for me to accept a coffee date with a stranger.”

He paused. “Oh. I--I didn’t know that. My mother didn’t--she didn’t say anything like that. Do your parents know? Or something? I mean, not that it’s any of my business.”

I snickered. “No, no. It’s fine. It’s new. And it’s… kind of out of the ordinary for me. But I’ve told him that I’m not seeing anyone else but him, and that means something to me.”

“Of course. I’d never want someone to go back on their word like that.”


“I’m glad you understand.”

“You sound like a wonderful girl.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “Eh, you know. I try where I can.”

He chuckled. “I’m sure you do more than try.”

I blushed again. “But you know, if you want me to keep your number around, I can hand it out to some of the nice girls on campus. You know, if strange women are your thing.”

“No, no. That isn’t necessary. To be honest, this is pretty out of the ordinary for me. Usually my parents are very pushy with this kind of thing. But your picture just…”

I slipped off the edge of my bed. “I appreciate the compliment. And I’m sorry you got wrapped up into this.”

“Again, you don’t have to apologize. He’s a lucky man.”

I smiled. “Thank you. I’m a lucky girl, too. And I am sorry for the position you’ve been put in. Believe it or not, my parents don’t know every little detail of my life.”

“Good for you. Keep a bit for yourself. Because if there’s anything we need when growing up with Korean parents, it’s a bit of privacy.”

I giggled. “You’re right about that one.”

He chuckled. “You have a good day in classes. And, if things go south with you and your guy, give me a call. I’d still love to take you out to coffee.”

I grabbed my mug. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.”

I hung up the phone and tossed it on top of my bag. I set about making myself some coffee to wake me up before my ten-thirty class. But as the coffee percolated into my mug, I felt a pair of eyes on me.

“Morning, Hannah.”

She shuffled around. “Who was that?”

I shrugged. “A guy my mom wants me to go out with.”

“Did you say no?”

I slowly looked over at her. “Gee. I don't know, Hannah.”

She sighed. “Dani, what if he’s a good guy? What if you just passed up your opportunity to--?”

“I mean, he probably is. He sounds like a good guy.”