“Dani? Seriously?”

I sighed. “I’m getting it, keep your panties on.”

With a voice thick with sleep and an eye still crusted shut, I picked up the phone call.


The person paused. “Oh, my God.”

I furrowed my brow. “What?”

“I woke you up. I am so sorry. Your parents told me you had class at eight and ten thirty. I was hoping to catch you in between them.”

I pulled my phone away from my ear just in time to see my alarm flashing on the screen. I shook my head and muted the alarm before bringing the phone back to my face. Great. It was nine forty-five and I was on the phone with some random person.

I sighed. “Who is this?”

“I’m sorry. My apologies. This is Kline.”

I peeled my other eye open. “Kline?”

Hannah hissed. “Can you take that outside or something?”

I waved my hand at her. “I don’t know a Kline. How did y--?”

Oh. Him.

He chuckled. “I, uh, I got your number from your mother. You know how those things go. Your mom and my mom practically have our lives planned out already. First dates. Our proposal. The wedding. How many kids we’ll have.”

I rubbed my eye. “Kline. Right. Sorry. Uh, yeah. Mom did tell me about you. You’re the acupuncture guy.”

He chuckled again. “I’ve never had anyone call me that before, but yeah, I’m the acupuncture guy.”

I pushed myself up from bed and slung my feet over the edge. I had to wake myself up. I had to get a fresh set of clothes on and get my ass to class. I blinked slowly a few times, trying to pull myself out of my hazy trance. I watched Hannah turn her back to me, curling up tight beneath her covers.

But I knew she was still listening.


I cleared my throat. “Yes. Sorry.”

“So what do you say to their plan?”

I snickered. “I’m a bit young for kids.”

He snickered. “Well, I was going to take you out to coffee first. You know, do things the right way.”

“Like getting my number from my mother before you even know what I look like?”

“Oh, you better believe pictures were exchanged. You’re very beautiful, by the way.”

I blushed. “Oh. Well, thank you.”

He chuckled. “No thanks needed for the truth. So what do you say to our first date?”

“To what?”

“Our first date. Coffee. Would you like to get some with me?”