“No, no, no! Don’t let us hold you up, sweetheart.”

“We’ll talk soon, princess. Love you.”

I smiled. “I love you guys, too.”

And as I hung up the phone, only one question ran through my head.

What the fuck just happened with my life?



John cracked open another beer. “All right. Give me the rundown one last time. Because I swear to fuck, if I figure out you’re hiding anything else, I’m gonna kill you myself.”

Rupert nodded. “I’m with him. I didn’t even know your father paid you a visit.”

I paused. “I’m pretty sure I mentioned that.”

Rupert snickered. “Trust me, I’d remember if you did.”

John chugged his drink back. “Give us the rundown one more time. And don’t leave anything out.”

I sighed. “Well, the two of you know about Dad coming to visit me in the garage. Yes?”

John nodded. “With the goons.”

Rupert reached for a slice of pizza. “That practically beat you into the wall. Yep.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, so that happened. Then Dani and I kicked things off a bit. Then that night happened where I took her back to her dorm and I got jumped.”

John pointed at me. “You said Benji called you and said he wanted to talk?”

I nodded. “Before I got jumped, yeah.”

Rupert cocked his head. “That’s a bit weird, don’t you think?”

I shrugged. “I didn’t think anything of it until Benji came to visit me in the garage himself.”

John pointed at me. “This is the part I want to hear again. What happened?”

Rupert chewed his pizza as loud as fucking sin as I tried gathering my thoughts.

“It was the weirdest thing. I asked him where the hell he’d been. Because other than the meeting I called to inform the crew about the jump, he was nowhere to be found. Not answering anyone’s calls. Not showing up for shit. It was weird to me, especially since he wanted to talk.”

John nodded. “What happened once he got here?”

“I don’t know. He was just… weird. Off. Very nonchalant about things. I got onto him about being absent and shit always taking priority in his life over the club, and then he wonders why I don’t induct him.”

Rupert swallowed. “I thought you didn’t want to induct him anyway.”

“I don’t. But Benji doesn’t get why. I went ahead and laid that shit out for him in the hopes that it would completely deter him from trying again.”

John paused. “Why does he attend the meetings if he’s not part of the crew?”

“To keep his ass out of trouble. Remember the last time we tried to keep him out of the group?”

Rupert’s eyes widened. “How the fuck did I forget about that?”