“So, I suppose we should get right to it, yes?” he asked.

I shrugged. “You’re the one obviously stalling for time.”

His eye twitched. “Is that so, little bird?”

“If anything, I’m a little deer. But who’s keeping track?”

“My, my. You really do have a mouth on you.”

He cocked his hand back and I flinched. My fear took hold and I cowered away from the man. I didn't want to give in to my fear. I didn’t want to show him how absolutely frightened I was.

But I also didn’t want to be hit again.

“A good beating always solved things with my oldest son. John. I believe you’ve already met him.”

The man put his hand down and my heart broke for the two brothers.

“He was always so… nosy. I really had to do a number on him to get him to find his place. Max didn’t take to that, though. He never liked staying in his lane.”

I nodded. “Sounds like the Max I love.”

He sighed. “Ah, young love. It’s always so romanticized. Tell me, Miss Young. Is this romantic to you?”

He held out his arms as my eyes scaled his body.

“I don’t know. I guess, in the right context, this could be considered foreplay.”

I heard one of the bodyguards let out a small bout of laughter. And as quick as lightning, Max’s father had his gun out. He pointed it at one of the men in back and pulled the trigger, causing me to scream out. My eyes widened. I watched the shadowed man drop to his knees. I heard him gurgling. And as my eyes widened, I watched him fall face-first into the grass as dark liquid tainted the ground beneath him.

“Anyway, where were we?”

I drew in ragged breaths, trying my best not to panic. But I couldn't pull my eyes away from the man on the ground.

“Holy shit, you killed him,” I said breathlessly.

“Focus, little bird. We don’t have much time.”

My eyes whipped up to his. “You killed him!”

“And you’re not giving any consideration as to why I brought you here tonight?”

I’m so sick and tired of being compared to hunted animals.

“I take it you’re going to tell me. So get it over with,” I said.

His frown grew on his face as he walked toward me. I leaned away from him, but it didn’t get me out of the way of his touch. His finger traced along my jawline, where his knuckles had connected with my face. He brushed something away and I winced. Then he cupped my cheek.

Making me jerk away from his touch.

“Don’t you dare,” I growled.

He patted my cheek softly, causing me to wince.

“I have recently discovered that you are quite special to my son. Which is interesting

, since it’s been so long for him. I haven’t had any access to any real leverage against my son. Max keeps himself locked up tight. Like a vault. Again, not like my eldest. Not like John. John was easy to manipulate.”

I shook my head. “You’re a monster.”