Except for those eyes.

The man walked toward me, closing the distance between us. I felt sick to my stomach as the scent of his cologne approached. I wanted to slash him across the face with my nails. I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him. His men gave him a wide berth, stepping back the more he stepped forward. From beyond their sunglasses in the dead of night, I saw the fear in their eyes. The whites of their eyes, widening the more he approached me.

They were terrified of him.

And so was I.

“You really aren’t what I expected.”

He stopped in front of me and he was so close I felt his body heat.

“What did you expect? A model?”

He chuckled. “Nonsense. My son has never been into such trash before. But he usually does take his women a bit more… nonsensical.”

“You mean dumb?”

I looked up and saw his grin widening into a plastered-on smile.

“I suppose that’s an apt word, yes.”

I nodded. “I’ll take the compliment, then.”

“I wouldn’t be so quick to do that. You do have some traits my son seems to gravitate toward.”

I flicked my hair away from my face. “Yeah? Like what?”

“For starters, you’re a virgin. Or you were, at least. Correct?”

I froze. “Why the hell do you care about that?”

He sighed. “My son enjoys a few of the finer things. Not many of them. But he does have a taste for… soiling the innocent.”

“He didn’t soil me. If anything, he showed me who I truly am.”

“Oh? And are you proud of where this ‘new you’ is currently sitting?”

I wanted to kick this man right in his balls.

“At any rate, Max has always been selfish. Always thinking of himself before anyone else. I mean, if he had considered you--even for a second--the two of you would’ve never kicked anything off.”

I lunged at him. “I don’t give a shit what you think.”

He smacked me across the face. “Well, you very well should. Because even though you don’t like the reality of your current situation, that doesn’t make it any less real.”

My head wrenched to the side and I moaned in pain. Holy shit, that hurt. I groaned as I moved my jaw around. I felt something warm trickling against my skin. I whipped my head around and looked up, watching as this disgusting man pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket. Wiping his knuckles. Removing my blood from his hands before he slid a golden ring off his finger.

And began polishing it in front of me.

The rings. Didn’t Max say something about rings?

“I must confess, it would’ve been interesting getting to know you.”

I snickered. “Enjoy that one-way road by yourself.”

He slipped his ring back on. “But desperate times call for desperate measures. And Max never did enjoy learning lessons as a child. He was my most stubborn one. Then again, all younger children are. Or so I’ve been told.”

He tossed his handkerchief onto my lap and I parted my legs, watching it fall to the concrete at my feet.